UHWO Federal Funding Advisory Council
To aid in decision-making and provide another layer of communication with campus stakeholders, UH West Oʻahu has formed the Federal Funding Advisory Council (the Hui). How our campus employs federal stimulus funding is key. We must know the federal regulations and expend our resources within acceptable federal guidelines. Strategically, it is imperative that UH West Oʻahu examines how our expenses support current needs and have sustainable impact.
The purpose of this council is to (a) learn more about the (currently 3) US Federal Funding Acts and resources to higher education, and (b) provide the Chancellor (PI of the campus federal resources) with recommendations and guidance regarding the use of these resources. Members of this Hui were selected by the communities they represent:
Faculty Senate: Katherine Aumer
APT: Donna Shaver
ASUWHO: Brittny Perez and Alan Iwasaki
Nalimakui Council: Kaʻiulani Akamine
Kapwa Council: Rouel Velasco
Work Groups/Business Model: Leslie Rush
Facilitating: Chancellor Benham and Sheri Ching/Business Office
Notetaker: Chris Neves