University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

UH West O‘ahu COVID-19 Guidelines

Date/Time sent: 07/02/2020 2:40 pm

The University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu looks forward to bringing our campus community back to re-engage in learning and teaching in a safe environment – whether that be physically on campus or through one or more of our variety of online/hybrid teaching modes. As you know, the UH System released its guidelines recently ( We wanted to inform you about what we are doing on this campus specifically.

All 10 campuses of the University of Hawaiʻi System will deploy a COVID-19-aware approach to providing a safe, high-quality education and environment in anticipation of reopening. The UH West Oʻahu COVID-19 Guidelines align with UH System Guidelines and include numerous campus- specific initiatives to ensure the health, wellness, and safety of our community. You can access our UHWO “Interim” COVID-19 Guidelines at Note this is “Interim” as we anticipate regular updates to the guidelines as we learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on our campus community and as we are directed by UH System, and our local and state government.

In preparations already underway for the start of the second summer session that begins on July 6, we are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, our state government, and University of Hawaiʻi System officials. Our campus is guided by the following principles:

  • Maximize our efforts that focus on the health and wellness of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  • Leverage the knowledge and skills of our faculty and staff to fortify and intensify, in innovative ways, engaged learning environments and opportunities.
  • Reinvent and revitalize what we do to meet the challenges of this remarkably unpredictable time.

When we come back together, observing personal safety practices is everyone’s kuleana/responsibility. This includes staying at home when appropriate, following hygiene and respiratory etiquette, wearing face coverings, and practicing physical distancing. In addition, we are working on a daily health survey check-in, accessed via app and the web, which will require all employees, students, and visitors to fill out prior to coming to campus (more information soon). Processes are in place for students and employees who contract COVID-19, and are outlined in the guidelines.

Stay informed by visiting the UH West Oʻahu COVID-19 site, our Safe Return to Campus site, and the UH West Oʻahu COVID-19 Guidelines. All are being constantly updated in light of this evolving situation as we adjust, react, and strive to be proactive in our response.

E malama pono!
Maenette Benham, Chancellor