University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Bulletin No. 64

Date/Time sent: 09/07/2021 9:00 am

E ala! E alu! E kuilima!
Awaken! Come together! Join hands!

Statement of Gratitude: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life
is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle

Friendly Nudges-Reminders:

ON-CAMPUS INSTRUCTORS – Please scroll down to Information About Records below.

REMINDER: All employees and students coming to UH West Oʻahu campus must sign into LumiSight UH. If you or your guest need to sign-in when you arrive at campus, there are three Verification Stations set-up to accommodate you: Administration Building Lobby, First Floor Student Services, and Library. You will need either your COVID-19 Vaccination Card or a negative COVID-19 test result (within the last seven (7) days).

Please be prepared to show your “Go Green Screen” or your “Campus Day Pass”. See below for more directions and information about the “Go Green Screen” and the “Red Screen” Let’s work together to keep everyone on our campus healthy and safe.

HEADS-UP: We need all our faculty and staff involved in every aspect of promoting student success. There are two (2) initiatives to promote student support and success (1) Faculty Verification of Non-Participation (No-Show) and (2) E Ala Pono Academic Progress Updates.

  1. Due TODAY, Sept. 7: The Faculty Verification of Non-Participation report helps our institution to comply with the UH System Executive Policy 7.209 certifying student attendance and participation in class by the end of the late registration period. Additionally, your reporting of students who are not participating in class (No-Show) helps our institution to comply with USDOE Title IV financial aid policy to identify the first day of academic engagement and the last day of engagement for students receiving financial aid. Note: compliance is required to ensure we can continue to award our students federal financial aid. You report through the MyUH Faculty Services Portal. For step-by-step instructions, please visit DUE: Part of Term I (8/23/21-12/10/21) certifications are due by TODAY, Sept. 7. For all other Part of Term courses, please visit for deadlines.
  2. E Ala Pono Academic Progress Updates: This program partners faculty with our campus resources (Academic Advising, Counseling and tutoring/Noʻeau Center). Your participation assists us in identifying students who are struggling or exhibiting behaviors of concern early in the semester. This early alert progress updates will be available to faculty during the following periods through the My Success Portal.

Progress Update 1 – September 7-12, 2021
Progress Update 2 – October 11-20, 2021

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Leslie Opulauoho and the EAP Team at

Message from UH System IT re: LumiSight UH

Welcome to Fall ‘21 to our entire University of Hawaii community at all 10 of our campuses including the many students, faculty, researchers and staff participating from home, wherever home may be!

We’re all anxiously watching the COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts ramping up, and look forward to the time when COVID-19 is not top of mind for everyone. To help us get there, please remember to do your daily LumiSight UH check-in, and upload either your vaccination information (only need to do this once) or your weekly COVID test results as required by UH policy. And for those that are interested in further helping our community beat COVID-19, please also use the AlohaSafe Alert app ( published by Hawaii DOH; this is Hawaii’s version of the Google Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) app, and is connected with the other 20 or so states that have launched their GAEN apps. Both LumiSight UH and AlohaSafe Alert are available for free at the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.

As a reminder, please keep your mobile device handy when you’re at a UH campus or facility; a number of buildings and offices are actively verifying LumiSight UH check-in “green” status upon entry. More COVID-19 information and resources are available at the UH System site, links to campus resources, and the ITS COVID-19 technology resource page.

The impact of COVID-19 also extends into the world of cyber-threats, multiplying the number of ways that our systems may be attacked. Be vigilant and alert to possible phishing attacks, and make sure your security practices are up to date. Visit the information security site for our minimum security standards, and useful resources and tips to help keep our UH community cyber-safe.

STAR is the University’s award-winning online service that helps to amplify student success, and simplify access to UH systems and student services. The STAR office is actively working on the implementation of new apps to support our faculty and student support staff as they help students successfully navigate their academic journey. For more information on STAR, please visit

Please take full advantage of the range of services that we offer the UH community, including 24/7 phone and online access to our ITS Help Desk, and our Duo multi-factor authentication service to protect your UH credentials.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding UH’s information technology services, please feel free to drop me a note at You can also contact the ITS Help Desk, available 24/7 at, or (808) 956-8883.

Reopening of Campus, Fall Semester 2021, and COVID-19 Update

Interim Guidelines & FAQs Posted

UH West Oʻahu posted updated interim Guidelines (rev. Sept.2, 2021) and FAQs. These will be continually updated as guidance is provided.

Upload COVID-19 Test Results to LumiSight

The Apple App Store and Google Play Store now feature updated versions of the LumiSight UH App that will allow users to upload COVID-19 test results from a mobile device. Test results can also be uploaded via the LumiSight UH website. Please plan accordingly as it may take up to 24 hours to verify a test result after uploading. Tests must also be scheduled within seven days of the date you plan to be on campus, and it can take 24 to 48 hours to receive the results. You need a “clear to come to campus” status on the app to be on a UH campus or property.

Samples of the LumiSight UH app green and red screens.

COVID-19 Test Reminders

If you are coming to UH West Oʻahu campus you need to upload your COVID-19 Vaccination or a Negative COVID-19 test result to LumiSight.

  • UH is providing free PCR-type COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated UH students and employees at 24 Clinical Labs of Hawaiʻi locations across the state
  • The free testing is by online appointment only, walk-ins will not be accepted. 
  • The free testing is only for asymptomatic students and employees. If you feel ill, contact a medical provider.
  • If you do not utilize the free UH testing program, you must receive your test from a State of Hawaiʻi approved facility.
  • At-home tests will not be accepted.

If you have been vaccinated, please remember to upload your card to the app.

Find more information about UH COVID-19 topics or email if you have any questions. 

Information about Records

Students and FERPA

The UH Institutional Data Governance FERPA page has been updated with the following new FAQs. An email from UH Information Technology Services was sent to faculty and staff on Aug. 27.

(New) Are a student’s COVID-related records considered education records?
Yes, COVID-related records, including vaccination information and testing results that are related to a student’s enrollment, are education records protected by FERPA.

(New) Who can access these COVID-related records?
Under 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(1), FERPA generally allows school officials within the institution to obtain access to education records without prior written consent provided the institution has determined that they have legitimate educational interests in the information. As such, providing limited access to faculty and other employees on a need to know basis while protecting the privacy interests of our students is critical.

(New) What type of COVID-related information can be accessed by faculty, staff, and administrators?
The University has determined that faculty who teach in-person classes may be given the “cleared to attend” status of students enrolled in that faculty member’s class. A cleared to attend status means that a student is fully vaccinated or has received a current negative COVID-19 test result (valid for 7 days from date of collection). This information allows faculty to address health and safety concerns in face-to-face classroom settings, while protecting the personal privacy of our students. Only a very limited number of administrators and staff are granted access to detailed information to fulfill their professional responsibilities. The University administration developed this access policy in consultation with the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office.

Faculty, staff, and administrators must understand that COVID-related records, including “cleared to attend” status information, even as limited as it is, is sensitive, protected, and must NOT be copied, shared, or otherwise disclosed. The following summarizes what faculty, staff, and administrators can and cannot ask for regarding students’ COVID vaccination and testing information:

  • Do not ask any student for detailed vaccination (student’s vaccination dates, vaccine manufacturer, etc.) or details of test results
  • Faculty should not ask their students for copies of vaccination cards or test results unless they have confirmed that “cleared to attend” information is not available
  • Faculty, staff and administrators who do request access to “cleared to attend” information or COVID-related records, including vaccination cards and negative test results, must review and comply with the UH data governance policies, including EP 2.214 (Institutional Data Classification Categories and Information Security Guidelines) and EP 2.215 (Institutional Data Governance)
  • For distance learning classes, faculty should not ask for any vaccination or testing information because there are no health issues or public safety concerns
  • For face-to-face classes, faculty should not ask if students are fully vaccinated or tested negative. They may ask students to show their:
    • “cleared to attend” status in LumiSight, or
    • vaccination cards or test results as an alternate confirmation of a student’s “cleared to attend” status if and only if the faculty has confirmed that “cleared to attend” information is not available.

On-Campus Instructors FAQ: Please provide me with guidance on how to ask my student to show their LumiSight “Go Green Screen” or “Daily Pass”. See Green Light Flow Chart.

UH West Oʻahu to host Mobile Vaccination Site

UH West Oʻahu will host a mobile vaccination clinic that is open to UH students, employees, and the general public in the expansion parking lot. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, requiring a two-dose regimen, will be provided on the following dates:

  • Monday, Sept. 13, 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. (first dose, or second dose for those who were vaccinated on Aug. 23), and
  • Monday, Oct. 4, 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. (second dose for those who were vaccinated on Sept. 13).

Walk-ins are welcome (no appointment needed) or participants can pre-register online. More information can be found online or call (808) 284-1314. All participants must:

  • Bring a valid government issued photo ID
  • If you have medical insurance, bring your insurance card. Uninsured participants are welcome.
  • Wear a mask and practice social distancing

Upload your Vaccination Information to LumiSight UH

Uploading your vaccination information to LumiSight UH is easy and will support our campus in maintaining healthy on-campus activities. A question that employees and students have asked our HR and Administration is: “Is my vaccination or test results that I upload to LumiSight safe and secure? Who has access and how will it be used?” Working with UH System VP Garret T. Yoshimi (VPIT & CIO), here is our response:

Access to your vaccination information is only available to a select number of UH System administrators and the service provider (DataHouse). The service provider is under confidentiality provisions that limit access only for the purpose of operating the service for UH. At UH West Oʻahu, access to the database is held by a single point of contact and a back-up point of contact. The data is secured at the same level as HIPAA data (although this is not HIPAA data), FERPA, and other regulated UH data. When you sign into LumiSight UH, your screen will be green if you have responded that you are healthy to wellness queries and uploaded your vaccination information or a negative test result. Your screen will be red if you report illness and/or exposure and/or have not uploaded your vaccination or negative test result.

Again, please be prepared to show your completed/cleared LumiSight UH screen upon entering any indoor public space (e.g., Library, Student Services and Student Life, Labs, Classrooms, Offices, etc.).

For ALL UH West Oʻahu employees permanent and temporary – administration, faculty, staff, and student employees – PLEASE upload your COVID-19 vaccination information to LumiSight UH ASAP. For those who use the app on their smartphone/mobile device, click on “Health” and then “Vaccination History.” Those using the app online should click on “Vaccine” in the upper lefthand corner. For more information and help regarding LumiSight UH, contact Information Technology Services at

For our UH West Oʻahu students attending on-campus classes, activities, and/or services

This is a reminder that a COVID-19 vaccination has been added to the student health clearance requirements for the fall 2021 semester. To be on any UH campus, students are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly COVID-19 testing.

This includes, but is not limited to, students who participate in in-person or hybrid courses, need in-person services, hold an on-campus job, or engage in any other on-campus activities.

Acceptable COVID-19 vaccines include those produced by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson along with World Health Organization approved vaccines.

Upload vaccination information to LumiSight UH. For ALL UH West Oʻahu students – PLEASE upload your COVID-19 Vaccination information to LumiSIGHT UH ASAP. Upload your documentation into the LumiSight UH app. For those who use the app on their smartphone/mobile device, click on “Health” and then “Vaccination History.” Those using the app online should click on “Vaccine” in the upper left-hand corner. For more information and help regarding LumiSight UH, contact Information Technology Services at

PLEASE be prepared to show your LumiSIGHT green “GO” Screen upon entering any of our indoor spaces, e.g., offices, library, labs and classrooms, student services and student life, bookstore, and so on.

The COVID-19 vaccination is not required of students who are enrolled in only online courses and programs or in Early College courses taking place on high school campuses.