Research Services
UH West Oʻahu’s commitment to teaching and lifelong learning is supported by its dedication to both theoretical and applied research. By supporting research projects that connect undergraduate education to real-world problems, it strives to transform society toward greater ecological sustainability, social equity, health, and well-being.
UH West Oʻahu offers students the opportunity to pursue hands-on research through grant-funded programs such as the Institute for Research & Engaged Scholarship or the Kikaha Undergraduate Research Program, and access to databases and archives housed in the James & Abigail Campbell Library, Center for Labor Education and Research, and the ʻUluʻulu archives.
The James & Abigail Campbell Library provides access to more than 210,000 electronic books and 30,500 print books, and features 94 research databases. The UH West O’ahu DSpace repository provides UH West O’ahu faculty, staff, students, researchers and community members long-term access and storage of scholarly, creative, and administrative digital content. The repository is provided and maintained by the Library in collaboration with the University of Hawaiʻi System.
The Library features three group study rooms that UH West O’ahu students can reserve for research or group collaborations. It houses special collections including the Honouliuli Archive, and sections highlighting Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaiian/Pacific research and studies, and Faculty Professional Development.

Institutional Research
The Office of Institutional Research is a convenient source of information on many aspects of the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu. It provides data on admissions, enrollment, cost and aid, graduation and retention, and faculty, and staff. It supports UH West O‘ahu’s pursuit of academic distinction in teaching, scholarship, and service in a student-centered environment by providing guidance for academic and administrative units.
The Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR) is designed to provide labor education, research and labor-related programs. CLEAR maintains a research collection and archive of labor history and law, a labor research web site with an online newsletter, and publishes a variety of books and handbooks, including a guide to Hawai‘i Labor History. It also produces the televised documentaries in its Rice & Roses series.
Like its research projects, the Center’s seminars and educational programs are designed to be of practical application to workers, their organizations and policy-makers. The labor history archive contains a clipping file on local unions in Hawai‘i, as well as an ever-growing collection of contracts, union newsletters, books, and pamphlets focusing on Hawai‘i’s rich labor history.

Institute for Research & Engaged Scholarship
UH West Oʻahu’s Institute for Research & Engaged Scholarship serves the public good through active collaboration with community partners to address and impact key issues in our communities. The Institute for Research & Engaged Scholarship supports faculty scholarship that impacts community progress and transformation. From 2014 through 2017, UH West Oʻahu has received grants totaling $16,629,332 addressing needs ranging from student retention and success to STEM initiatives.
ʻUluʻulu Archives
ʻUlu‘ulu: The Henry Ku‘ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai‘i aims to perpetuate and share the rich moving image heritage of Hawai‘i through the preservation of film and videotape related to the history and culture of Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawai‘i.
It uses content management software specifically designed for audiovisual materials to create a searchable database of collection items and all associated metadata. The ʻUluʻulu Archives also cleans and stabilizes physical collection items for safe long-term storage in a climate-controlled environment. It digitizes videotapes and films to create digital preservation files that are stored and administered on remote servers. The archive provides access to its catalog and to digital video files for research purposes via its website and through its offices in the James & Abigail Campbell Library.