Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fee charges at all University of Hawai‘i campuses are subject to change in accordance with requirements of State law and/or action by the Board of Regents or the University administration.
Tuition Rates
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025
Credit Hours | Resident Tuition*** | Non-Resident Tuition | Pacific Island Jurisdiction* & WUE** |
Per credit up to 11 credits | $306 | $846 | $459 |
12 or more credits | $3,672 | $10,152 | $5,508 |
Summer 2025
Credit Hours | Resident Tuition*** | Non-Resident Tuition | Pacific Island Jurisdiction* & WUE** |
Per Credit | $306 | $441 | $373.50 |
Fall 2025 – Spring 2026
Credit Hours | Resident Tuition*** | Non-Resident Tuition | Pacific Island Jurisdiction* & WUE** |
Per credit up to 11 credits | $312 | $852 | $468 |
12 or more credits | $3,744 | $10,224 | $5,616 |
Tuition and Fee information based on the University of Hawai‘i Tuition Schedule (pdf).
Pacific Island Jurisdiction*
Per Regents Policy, RP 6.208, Part IIID, citizens from certain Pacific Island district, commonwealth, territory, or insular jurisdiction, state or nation which provides no public higher education institution granting baccalaureate degrees are charged 150 percent of the resident tuition rate for Fall and Spring semesters. The list of eligible Pacific Island jurisdictions is updated and distributed by the University President’s Office and currently includes American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Cook Islands, Futuna, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Wallis.
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)**
Through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE), students in western states may enroll at UH West O’ahu at a reduced tuition of 150 percent of the institution’s regular resident tuition. WUE tuition is considerably less than non-resident tuition. Reduced WUE tuition is currently available for freshman and transfer students. UH West O’ahu reserves the right to limit WUE awards each academic year based on enrollment projections.
Compacts of Free Association (COFA)***
Effective July 1, 2024, students enrolled Spring 2024 onward from the Freely Associated States (Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), and the Republic of Palau) will be charged tuition at the in-state resident rate, beginning Fall 2024.
Mandatory Student Fees (Fall and Spring semesters only)
Student Government Fee – $5
Student Activity Fee – $14
Student Publication Fee – $9
Student Health Fee – $30
Student Technology Fee – $8
Student Transportation Fee – $26
Campus Center Program Fee – $6
Campus Center Operations Fee – $22
All students who register for a course on any campus, including those in distance and on-line courses are recognized as members of the student body of the campus offering their courses. As such, all students, including those in distance and on-line courses, universally contribute to creating and maintaining high quality, affordable co-curricular educational programs. They shall pay mandatory student fees for student publications, student government, technology, and campus communication/student broadcast fees at all campuses at which they are enrolled, regardless of whether the course is taught online, at a distance, or face to face. These fees support services that are accessible or provide direct benefits regardless of the student’s geographical location.
Students enrolled in classes on a campus will additionally be assessed the following campus-based mandatory student fees: student activity and program fees, campus center and student recreation fees, student health fees, and student transportation fees.
Because students in distance and online courses may be physically unable to take direct advantage of certain campus-based co-curricular programs and opportunities, they shall be exempt from paying certain mandatory student fees of their course-offering campus. Students who enroll in pure distance or online courses at a particular campus shall not be assessed the following campus-based mandatory student fees: student activity and program fees, campus center and student recreation fees, student health fees, and student transportation fees.