Core Committee & Task Groups
The University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu will deploy a COVID-19-aware approach to providing a safe, high-quality education for new and returning students, faculty and support staff.
About the Committee
The campus has identified a CORE Committee and Task Groups focused on the central coordination of key planning areas for a safe return to campus. The University of Hawaiʻi System and UH West Oʻahu have chosen a moderate risk level based upon CDC guidance in re-opening our campus: “Small in-person classes, activities, and events. Individuals remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and do not share objects (e.g., hybrid virtual and in-person class structures or staggered/rotated scheduling to accommodate smaller class sizes).”
West Oʻahu is guided by the following principles:
- Maximize our efforts that focus on the health and wellness of our students, faculty, staff and visitors.
- Leverage the knowledge and skills of our faculty and staff to fortify and intensify, in innovative ways, engaged learning environments and opportunities.
- Reinvent and Revitalize what we do to meet the challenges of this remarkably
unpredictable time.
The committee is focused on:
- Establishing a set of guiding principles for determining when and how to return to on-premises activities safely
- Ensure that return-to-campus efforts are coordinated, communicated and consistent with our core principles
- Establishing criteria that will be monitored to determine the ability of the university to return to some or all on-premises activities safely
- Establishing guidelines and protocols for units to follow as on-premises activities return
- Charging work groups to follow up with specific units on campus to help develop plans for returning to on-premises activity and bring plans back to the CORE task force for consultation
- Determining new work groups to address the likelihood of local rebound infections that may result in restrictive mitigation measures
CORE Committee
Members: Chancellor Maenette Benham; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Jeffrey Moniz; interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Jan Javinar; Vice Chancellor for Administration, Kevin Ishida; Budget Director, Linda Saiki; Director of Finance/Business Office, Sheri Ching; Human Resources Director, Nancy Nakasone; Director of Communications, Leila Shimokawa; Faculty Senate Chair, Tom Hirsbrunner; Director of Compliance, Beverly Baligad.
Infrastructure (Facilities, IT, Safety & Sanitation, Equipment & Supplies) Task Group
Tasked with preparing and maintaining safety and sanitization of campus facilities. Work with all campus units (and other work groups) to design, procure and support the learning, teaching, research/scholarship efforts of faculty, staff and students. Work group must consult CDC and Hawaiʻi State guidelines as well as adhere to all UH System and Campus policies and procedures.
Co-leads: Director of Planning and Facilities, Bonnie Arakawa; Director of Information Technology, Therese Nakadomari; Coordinator for Career Services, Loea Akiona; Scheduler, Princess Soares; and Chancellor’s Administrative Support, Christine Neves.
Members: John Murakami, Tom Hirsbrunner, Ryan Perreira, Michiko Joseph, Carlton Ho, James Shattuck, Terri Ota, ByungJu Lim, Cherl Kina, Lori Foo.
Student and Academic Services Task Group
Tasked to work across the OVCAA and OVCSA (and the other work groups) to prioritize, design, and implement specific actions to support academic coursework and student services (e.g. recruitment, retention/advising/counseling, graduation to career) in a transparent, caring/attentive, and safe manner. The Work group is guided by our UH West Oʻahu mission and value proposition and must consult CDC and Hawaiʻi State guidelines as well as adhere to all UH System and Campus policies and procedures.
Co-Leads: Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Alan Rosenfeld; Director of Enrollment Management, Lokelani Kenolio; Executive Assistant, Walter Kahumoku III.
Members: Michael Furuto, Princess Soares, Sharla Hanaoka, Kealohi Perry, Steven Taketa, Sydney Millerd, Robyn Tasaka, Mary Heller, Carina Chernsky.
Multi-Modalities/Teaching and Learning Task Group
Tasked to work with the other work groups to design, implement, and provide professional development opportunities for faculty, instructors, lecturers, staff and students while ensuring students have the success components required to persist and thrive in higher education. Work with UH West Oʻahu Information Technology as well as the UH System committee on distance learning. The Work group is guided by our UH West Oʻahu mission and value proposition and must consult CDC and Hawaiʻi State guidelines as well as adhere to all UH System and Campus policies and procedures.
Co-leads: Director of Distance Education, Gloria Niles; Test Services Coordinator at Noʻeau Center, Kaʻiulani Akamine; Applications and Database Manager, John Ly; Public Administration Division Chair, Kristina Lu; and Director of Institute of Engaged Scholarship, Melissa Saul
Members: Matthew Chapman, Lynette Williamson, Mark Hopper, Rebecca Carino, Nicholas Mitchell, Kyra Takeuchi, Louis Herman, Stan Orr, Char Hopela, Kawena Komeiji, Brynn Manuel (Student Asst.)