Bulletin No. 48
Date/Time sent: 05/03/2021 8:15 amE ala! E alu! E kuilima!
Awaken! Come together! Join hands!
Statement of Gratitude: “The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” – William James
Update COVID-19 and Gradual Reopening to General Public
We currently have no new information to share. We are adhering to CDC and State of Hawaiʻi DOH guidelines. Recently our classroom distance protocol changed from 10-feet to 6-feet distance. For up-to-date information go to the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health Covid-19 webpage. You will find a Data Dashboard, Up to Date Information, and a Weekly Bulletin. Thereʻs also information about safe gatherings, face masks, and travel.
Update on our Campus Work Groups
Business Model and Mindset
A draft business model is being tested by the work groups as they develop strategies to support our campus to meet continued fiscal constraints. For more information contact either Dr. Walter Kahumoku or Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Ed Keaunui.
Student Recruitment & Student Retention
Currently the work group is working on strategies to support our campus to meet continued fiscal constraints. For more information contact either iVC Javinar or Instructor Reed Young.
Student Learning
Currently the work group is working on strategies to support our campus to meet continued fiscal constraints. For more information contact either VC Moniz or Division Chair Mary Heller.
Campus Efficiencies
The work group recently submitted their report of recommendations. The Federal Funding Advisory Council and the Campus Executives will review their recommendations. For more information contact either VC Ishida or Sheri Ching (Business Office).
Update on Federal Stimulus Funds
Mahalo for your patience! The Federal Funding webpages are now live. Please visit them to learn more about prior, current, and future funding. In addition, we will be posting meeting minutes and other pertinent information from the UH West Oʻahu Federal Funding Advisory Council.
- Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
- Federal Funding Advisory Council
WSCUC ARC conference
Just last week members of the OVCAA and myself attended the WSCUC ARC conference. We were fortunate to hear from Dr. Michelle Asha Cooper, who served as the President of the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) who is the acting assistant secretary for postsecondary education for the USDOE. In her speech, she described the Biden administration’s four education pillars for higher education. See a copy of her transcript here.
Commencement Festivities, May 8
As a reminder, UH West Oʻahu is celebrating with a drive-thru graduation on campus this Saturday, May 8, from 2 to 5 p.m. We will balance both health/safety and the joy/tradition of this milestone.
UH West Oʻahu is also producing a pre-recorded Virtual Commencement that will be broadcast on Saturday, May 8, at 9 a.m.