University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Bulletin No. 54

Date/Time sent: 06/14/2021 8:00 am

E ala! E alu! E kuilima!
Awaken! Come together! Join hands!

Statement of Gratitude: “I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of coincidences that have no meaning or connection. For me, I’m going to believe in miracles, celebrate life, rejoice in the views of eternity, and hope my choices will create a positive ripple effect in the lives of others. This is my choice.” – Mike Ericksen

Update COVID-19

Please stay-tuned to the news and the Hawaiʻi State COVID-19 site regarding shifting regulations. If you plan to travel (personal travel) please check out Safe Travels Hawaiʻi site. Please remember that currently ALL UH-related travel is still restricted and requires approval from your supervisor, your VC, and for U.S. Continent and International travel by the Chancellor and UH System President.

Here is an update from Hawaiʻi State Governor’s Office:


Governor Ige sets additional vaccination benchmarks for gatherings, restaurants
Also signs new proclamation terminating some emergency provisions

June 7, 2021

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige today set additional vaccination benchmarks for gatherings and restaurants. They are as follows:

When the state achieves a 60% vaccination rate:

  • Social gatherings: 25 allowed indoors and 75 allowed outdoors
  • Restaurants: Up to 75% capacity (with maximum groups size of 25 indoors and 75 outdoors)

**NOTE: Statewide vaccination goals will not affect the counties’ COVID-19 policies regarding structured events, weddings, etc. This applies only to travel, social gatherings, and restaurants.

When the state achieves a 70% vaccination rate:
All restrictions terminate. Social gatherings are no longer restricted and restaurants will continue to be regulated in the normal course by the Department of Health, which may establish new, permanent rules in light of the pandemic.

**NOTE: All of this is subject to continued monitoring by the state Department of Health for the impact of variants on COVID-19 case numbers, health care capacity, etc. The state/counties will make appropriate adjustments as needed.

“As Hawaiʻi’s public health outcomes improve and our economic situation appears to be stabilizing, I am ending several of the emergency provisions that have been in place for over a year,” said Gov. Ige. “By August, I hope the public health situation will allow me to do the same for others. We can get there if people become informed about their safe and effective vaccination options and choose to get their injections. Remember – the state pushed back the Aug. 15 rollout of the Safe Travels program to Oct. 15. While challenging at the time, it was necessary.”

Gov. Ige also signed a 21st emergency proclamation related to COVID-19, which officially brings the inter-county Safe Travels program to an end at 11:59 p.m. on June 14. As of June 15, no inter-county testing/quarantine will be in effect and all Safe Travels and other restrictions will end for inter-county travel.

Other provisions of the 21st emergency proclamation:

  • Reflects the legislature’s enactment of SB540 and the possibility that the counties and judiciary will designate emergency period infractions.
    • SB540 allows for lesser emergency period penalties to be adopted by the governor or a mayor.
    • As of June 7, the governor has not signed SB540. He has until June 21 to decide whether he may veto the bill and until July 6 to veto, sign the measure or allow it to become law without his signature.
  • Clarifies that all persons seeking a vaccination exception to the travel self-quarantine must provide consent and authorization to allow the State Dept. of Health and providers to use and access vaccination information as expressly allowed in the Safe Travels program.
    • Exhibit B contains the amended Rules Relating to COVID-19 Screening Process and Travel Self-Quarantine.
  • Restores the Hawaiʻi public procurement code, including the purchase of health and human services.
  • Restores licensing requirements for occupational and physical therapy.
  • Restores administrative support for child support enforcement.
  • Includes rules for the Child Care Grant Program (Exhibit J).

While the 21st emergency proclamation extends the eviction moratorium for those unable to pay rent, renters and landlords are encouraged to seek and accept the rental assistance relief being distributed in each county.

The proclamation also allows for the extension of expirations for driver’s licenses, state IDs, and instructional permits that expired during the emergency period. This extension allows county driver’s licensing centers to recover from the ongoing effects of the pandemic on availability of services.

“If current trends hold, I expect both the eviction moratorium and the driver’s licensing provisions to expire in August. We’ve learned a lot about acting with care, and I am hopeful these lessons will carry us forward,” said Gov. Ige.

The 21st emergency proclamation is effective immediately and will expire on August 6, 2021.

The 21st emergency proclamation can be found here.

Update on Gradual Reopening of UH West Oʻahu Campus

Please go to the UH West Oʻahu Safe Return to Campus site to review the current status of UH System and UH West Oʻahu regulations. Also, we are currently working with our campus COVID Response Team and Executives as well as the UH System COVID team on a Return to Campus FAQ webpage. We hope to have that available soon.

Update on our Campus Work Groups

No update this week for June 14.

Update on Federal Stimulus Funds

Work of the Federal Funding Advisory Council: Although the budgeted CRSSAA funding has been fully allocated, the council is still reviewing proposals that were submitted in May to determine what proposals are still allowable under current eligibility regulations, and of those proposals which proposals could be funded with potential additional Federal Funding.