University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Ka Pe‘ahi Lono: Monthly Message for July

Date/Time sent: 07/05/2022 9:00 am

Hoʻokāhi ka ilau like ana (Wield the paddles together)

Aloha mai kākou e UH West Oʻahu ʻOhana!

I hope your summer is treating you well! Joyful and productive! This month we have a full Peʻahi Lono to include a special farewell to Dr. Gloria Niles, celebration of faculty promotion and tenure, highlights of faculty work, and important information regarding future training opportunities. So, please take the time to scroll through this month’s newsletter.

To update you on the pending release of the WSCUC Action Letter: This is the official Commission decision on our accreditation status. We anticipate receiving the letter by mid-July. As soon as we receive it we will post the Action Letter on our website (on our accreditation page) and announce it in Makahaiwa‘a – our weekly bulletin. I will also include it in our August Peʻahi Lono.

Fall 2022 PD Day banner

Finally, a reminder of our Fall 2022 In-Person Faculty and Staff Professional Development and Convocation on the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 16. More information is forthcoming.

Mahalo nūnui for taking the time to review this week’s bulletin.
E mālama pono!
Maenette Benham, Chancellor

Section divider made up of two canoe paddles.


Working to keep our campus safe!

COVID 19 reminder graphic

Keep in mind, kūkūlu kaiaʻulu! Please strengthen our community with your passions, respect for one another, and patience! Please respect an individual’s personal choice to wear a face mask. As a reminder, “face masks are once again required indoors across the University of Hawaiʻi System, except when working alone or separated from others by 6 feet or more.”

Please continue to follow the UH COVID-19 Guidelines. Mahalo for your assistance in keeping our campus communities safe.

Section divider made up of two canoe paddles.


Pūpūkahi i Holomua (Unite to Move Forward)!

A simple “Mahalo Nūnui!” isnʻt enough when losing a valued colleague and friend. UH West Oʻahu faculty, staff and students will soon be saying our “Aloha!” to Dr. Gloria Niles who will be leaving her position as our Director of Distance Education and Coordinator, Office of Professional Development and Academic Support to join the University of Hawai’i System as our new system Director of Online Learning. Gloria has worked hard to strengthen our Distance Education Program and grow OPDAS to include both staff and student employees. She passionately contributed as a member of our academic team to brainstorm and implement innovative learning and teaching opportunities, networking ideas, and outreach initiatives. And, she has an impressive work ethic and positivity when working on complex projects to include our WSCUC Accreditation efforts.

VCAA Jeff Moniz shared:

Dr. Gloria Niles has played a leading role on our campus in several key areas. As our Director of Distance Education, she has been at the forefront of advancing distance learning for our campus. As the Coordinator of our Office of Professional Development and Academic Support, she has been responsible for leading the professional development efforts for faculty and staff on our campus. Dr. Niles has also been vital to our campus curriculum development efforts, leading our transition from a paper-based approval process to a streamlined electronic workflow system. She was also responsible for developing an online portal for faculty evaluation on our campus. Most recently, she contributed greatly to our current WSCUC Institutional Report for Reaffirmation. I credit her leadership on our team for much of our success in academic affairs and across our campus, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic.

UH West O‘ahu benefitted greatly from the particular combination of qualifications, expertise, and abilities possessed by Dr. Niles. I owe her a debt of gratitude for the tremendous contributions she made to academic affairs and, of course, to the entire campus. While Gloria will certainly be missed at West O‘ahu, we know that we stand to continue benefitting from her contributions from her new, larger platform at the System level. Congratulations, Gloria! Please know that you always have a home in West O‘ahu.

AVCAA Alan Rosenfeld shared:

It has been my absolute pleasure and honor to work closely with Dr. Gloria Niles these past few years. She is a true lifelong learner, who never stops expanding her levels of knowledge and expertise. Gloria is also a paragon of professionalism, and the leadership she demonstrated as our distance education director allowed UH West O‘ahu to navigate the unprecedented challenges of emergency remote instruction during the coronavirus pandemic. Our loss is UH System’s gain, as Dr. Niles will be an excellent Director of Online Learning–an asset to all ten campuses.

Indeed, as Alan stated “our loss” is a mighty gain for all our sister campuses and current and future students of the University of Hawaiʻi! There is great opportunity for UH West Oʻahu in the arena of Distance Education and we are so very fortunate to be working with Gloria in her new capacity. Hoʻomaikaʻi e Gloria! We wish you the very best in your new role!

Section divider made up of two canoe paddles.



UH West Oʻahu’s Aumer presents research at psychological science convention in Chicago
UH West Oʻahu student wins bookstore system’s T-shirt design contest
UH Foundation’s Padilla and her professional commitment, personal connection to UH West Oʻahu


10 years: Stephanie Kamai

Tenure and Promotion

Burrell, James C—Associate Professor, Business Administration
Liu, Veny—Associate Professor, Mathematics, Natural and Health Sciences
Romine, Rebecca K—Associate Professor, Mathematics, Natural and Health Sciences
Ross, Megan C—Associate Professor, Mathematics, Natural and Health Sciences
Tsukayama, Eli—Associate Professor, Business Administration


Kamai, Stephanie H—Specialist, Education
Lopez, Leslie—Specialist, CLEAR
Magnussen, Jon C—Professor, Humanities


Chernisky, Carina A—Librarian II, Academic Support

Delegated Promotion

Chernisky, Carina A—Librarian III, Academic Support

Faculty Good Works

Dr. Yasmine Romero and Dr. Michael Pak received a seed grant from IRES entitled “Emerging Student-Scholars Project”. Here is their project report, which presents a great opportunity for UH West Oʻahu students and faculty mentors.

Dr. Matthew Chapman’s recent sabbatical effort focused on “research current best practices and procedures in malware analysis for integration into undergraduate cybersecurity programs.” His recently published article in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology is included.

Section divider made up of two canoe paddles.



Business Office Training for all Faculty and Staff involved with Extramural Funding. Sign up will be announced via Weekly Bulletin and UH Announcement.

Friday, August 5 (C-208) 9 – 11 a.m.
RCUH Procurement Overview (Part 1 – Procurement Methods)

Friday, August 12 (C-208) 9 – 11 a.m.
RCUH Procurement Overview (Part 2 – CPR, Form 56/136, Preapprovals – campus and system, T&Cs, Insurance Requirements, Other)

Friday, September 9 (Location TBD) 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Equipment, Reimbursements, IDOs, and UH PCard

Friday, September 23 (C-208) 9 – 10:30 a.m.
RCUH Travel

Friday, October 7 (C-208) 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Subawards/Service Agreements

Friday, October 21 (Location TBD) 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Non-Employee Payments, Stipends

Friday, November 4 (C-208) 9 – 11 a.m.
Monthly Budget Status Reports


Dr. Lea Kinikini has been leading feedback discussions with faculty and staff to strengthen the extramural grants processes at UH West Oʻahu. Read her report here.


Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Title IX: See the proposed changes to the Title IX regulations. See the unofficial version of the proposed regulations.

The Department of Education will be seeking comments to the proposed changes, so the proposed rules may change again based on those comments.


Reminder Ethics Training for ALL State Employees

The Hawai’i State Ethics Commission is pleased to offer upcoming ethics training classes for all state employees on the following dates:

  • August 18, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
  • October 20, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
  • December 16, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
  • January 24, 2023, 10 – 11:30 a.m.

These classes will meet the mandatory ethics training requirement currently being considered by Governor David Ige.

Individuals can register for a course online at: Space is limited, so we encourage early registration.

Alternatively, state employees can take an on-line self-directed training course at This 30-minute, interactive training provides basic information for state employees subject to the Ethics Code, including all executive and legislative branch employees, and judiciary employees (other than judges and justices). Individuals who complete the training will obtain a certificate of completion that satisfies state ethics training requirements.

Thank you for your support of ethics education!
Hawaii State Ethics Commission
1001 Bishop Street, Suite 970
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Telephone: (808) 587-0460

Twitter: @HawaiiEthics


Dr. Patrick Kirch, Professor of Anthropology at University of Hawai’i, Mānoa is working with our faculty and our students. He was recently interviewed on the Tides of History podcast, about Polynesian archaeology and prehistory.

Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO)
Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) are experimental tabulations developed by researchers at the U.S. Census Bureau. PSEO data provide earnings and employment outcomes for college and university graduates by degree level, degree major, and post-secondary institution. These statistics are generated by matching university transcript data with a national database of jobs, using state-of-the-art confidentiality protection mechanisms to protect the underlying data.

The PSEO are made possible through data sharing partnerships between universities, university systems, State Departments of Education, State Labor Market Information offices, and the U.S. Census Bureau. PSEO data are available for post-secondary institutions whose transcript data have been made available to the Census Bureau through a data-sharing agreement.