University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Update to 2020 Commencement

Date/Time sent: 11/06/2020 12:20 pm

Aloha mai UH West O’ahu ‘ohana,

I write with a heavy heart to inform you that we plan to forego our traditional, in-person commencement ceremony this semester. Graduation is a time for students to celebrate the accomplishments achieved during their time here at UH West O’ahu, and we are disappointed that we cannot do so in a manner fitting of this accomplishment.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and given state and county restrictions, we are unable to hold in-person activities. We are committed to recognizing our graduates and have planned a Virtual Commencement Ceremony to debut on Saturday, December 12, 2020. ALL spring, summer, and fall 2020 graduates will be included in the ceremony. Graduates or candidates for graduation should have received an email with more information about the virtual celebration. For more information and updates, please check

While we are unable to celebrate in person, this in no way detracts from our students’ achievement in earning a college degree. We hope to share more information in the coming weeks about how our graduates will receive their diploma and makana (gifts) on behalf of the campus.

I must commend the fortitude of our campus community for all you’ve endured in these times. I appreciate your efforts throughout the transition to online learning and working. Please know how saddened I am that we will not be able to celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones in person.

E malama pono,

Maenette Benham, Chancellor
UH West O’ahu Commencement Committee