University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Health App Reminder

Date/Time sent: 08/24/2020 11:25 am

Dear UH West O‘ahu Instructors,

Congratulations and best of luck with this most unusual start of the semester! Most of you are teaching your courses in fully online modalities this semester and campus traffic this morning is decidedly light.

Please heed this friendly reminder that anyone coming to campus must complete the UH System Health App (aka “LumiSight UH”) before arrival. If you are teaching a class with on-campus components, please make sure that your students have completed their daily check-in on the Health App. Needless to say, this goes for the instructors as well! Please also know that we are developing an alternate, paper-based questionnaire that will be available by week’s end.

Here’s to a safe and rewarding semester for you and your students in the midst of these challenging times! Thank you for going above and beyond in order to provide our students with the educational experience they deserve.

Warmest regards,
Alan Rosenfeld, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs