University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Bulletin No. 33

Date/Time sent: 01/11/2021 8:30 am

E ala! E alu! E kuilima!
Awaken! Come together! Join hands!

Statement of Gratitude:
“Today, I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.”— Anonymous*

Update COVID-19

Garret Yoshimi, UH Vice President for Information Technology/Chief Information Officer, asks everyone to consider uploading this free COVID notification app: AlohaSafe Alert COVID-19.

To help in the fight to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Hawaiʻi
State Department of Health (DOH) in partnership with aio Digital and the Hawaiʻi
Executive Collaborative has launched AlohaSafe Alert, a free, COVID-19 exposure notification app:

Once added to your smartphone, AlohaSafe Alert will send a notification within 48 hours if you come into close contact-within six feet for at least 15 minutes-with someone, who is also using the app, tests positive for the virus in the previous 14 days.

All of the data collected will be kept anonymous, and only DOH will have access to it. Should an app user test positive for COVID-19, their identity is kept private from anyone who receives an alert, and their identities are kept private from other app users.

The University of Hawaiʻi
joins DOH in encouraging everyone to download and utilize the AlohaSafe Alert app. The more people who use the app, the more effective it will be to stop the spread of COVID-19. The app is another tool in the effort to bring the pandemic that includes vaccination, wearing face coverings, practicing safe physical distancing and hand washing.

Remember: If you have tested positive, are symptomatic, or have had contact with a positive case, contact the campus COVID-19 Hotline at (808) 689-2525. For more information visit:

Update on our Campus Budgeting and Planning Process

Spring 2021 Convocation/Professional Development Day, Friday, January 8, 9 a.m.-10:45 a.m.: A copy of the slide deck is attached. A recording of the broadcast will be available at a later date.

January 7, 2021, UH Board of Regents Meeting: UH President David Lassner discussed the latest developments on the state budget. In his presentation to the regents, Lassner stated that there are no formal plans for layoffs, retrenchment or reductions-in-force of faculty or staff with employment security within the 10-campus UH system until the Hawaiʻi
State Legislature approves a biennial budget and that budget is enacted by Gov. David Ige. His remarks also included an overview of the national events of the week, the spring 2021 semester and UH’s role in the state vaccination plan. The report can be viewed here:

UHWO Work Groups: More information on the objectives of the work groups will be disseminated. Please see this overview shared at our Convocation/PD Day (the entire slide deck from PD Day is also attached). We hope that you will participate in one of the campus or unit-level work groups this spring semester.

A view from the State of Hawaiʻi

Please see the House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness committee report (from last meeting on 12/21) and the UHERO update (as referenced in the committee report). Their next meeting will be today, Monday January 11.

UH informational briefings will be held as follows next week:

  • Tuesday, 1/12
    2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    WAM/HRE (broadcast notice not yet posted)
  • Friday, 1/15
    9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
    FIN Live on YouTube

Wishing everyone a wonderfully productive and joyful first week of classes!

E mālama pono!
Maenette Benham, Chancellor

*NOTE: If you have a statement of gratitude that you would like me to share with our campus community please send to