Enrollment Management Plan
A traditional ʻauwai is a waterway or canal that was used to connect a water source to an area in need, for instance, a loʻi kalo (taro patch). Similarly, we consider the relationship between education and employment like an ‘auwai that moves students from early childhood education through higher education, and then into the workforce and service to the community.
Like the ʻauwai that was specifically constructed to assist the movement of water to cultivate, enrich, and support its region, UH West Oʻahu has developed student success pathways for students coming from high school, community college, another university, or working full or part-time who want to finish a degree or learn/update skills. Wherever the learner enters they can earn their degree in-person, in-person and online, or fully on-line.
Enrollment Management Council
The Council provides the campus with guidance and recommendations for a growth strategy across all academic, student, and administrative units, with a data-based approach to alignment with current demographic trends. The Council consists of:
Executive Team
- Chancellor
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Administration
Support Members
- Budget
- Assessment
- Communications
- Enrollment Services
- Institutional Research
Key Initiatives
- Support key groups (GO Groups) for coordination of recruitment, retention, and completion, to streamline processes and systems and facilitate student success.
- Leverage technology to support recruitment, yield, and retention rates (i.e. secure a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for the campus).
- Create dynamic and engaging online learning experiences to expand postsecondary educational opportunities by providing access to students across all Hawaiian Islands, Pacific partners, and beyond.