University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

Bulletin No. 14

Date/Time sent: 08/17/2020 8:40 am

Our theme this week is: E ala! E alu! E kuilima! Awaken! Come together! Join hands!

As we prepare for our fall 2020 semester, we will participate in building a “new” normal for UH West Oʻahu! Our collective effort will ensure a safe campus community and a thriving university through this most challenging time.

Indeed, as we face a second wave of the coronavirus, an economic crisis and a national movement confronting our country’s racism, I hope you find a little time every day to breathe and recharge. Whether you’re organizing your lesson plans to teach online, scheduling and developing student success events while reaching out to individual students, or preparing the campus for students and instructors, self-care and kuleana for the care of others is critical to the vitality of UH West Oʻahu. On that note, if you haven’t done so already please prepare yourself by reviewing our UH West Oʻahu COVID-19 Interim Guidelines.

Also, be aware that coming soon is a series of three University of Hawaiʻi Employee training videos that you will be asked to review.

If you have been reading the weekly bulletins you will have been amazed and comforted by the brilliant stories of how our colleagues have been taking time to catch their breath, reflect, and pursue home and family projects while working remotely. We’ve read about families and close friends (in the safety bubble) hiking, reading, watching favorite movies or binging on a Netflix series, and even unplugging from social media – WHEW!!! It continues to be important that we find ways to restore our spirits!

You and I know by now that UH West Oʻahu is no longer conducting “business as usual.” On the contrary, as we pivot to our “new normal” we will continue to ground our work in our campus vision, mission, value proposition, and pahuhopu! Promoting wellness in all that nurtures us, community kuleana and action, deep knowledge generation, abundance of grace, and excellence in all we do is paramount. Knowing this will help us to do the critical and difficult work ahead to address our sobering budget cuts. The reality is that we cannot operate the way we had prior to March 2020. We need to all E ala! E alu! E kuilima! Awaken! Come together! Join hands!