University of Hawaii West Oahu Seal

COVID-19 Teaching and Learning Updates

Date/Time sent: 03/16/2020 4:23 pm


We’re writing to provide you with the latest updates to tools and resources aimed at providing the support you may need to move your face-to-face courses online.  See the latest supports being offered by our UHWO campus and the UH System.

UHWO Support

If you require help with online course design, please contact our Distance Learning team and/or visit the Office of Distance Learning’s COVID-19 response page.

New!  Chat help.  You’ll find that the Office of Distance Learning (ODL) microsite now has a chat feature for assistance with course design during business hours (8am-4pm, Monday through Friday).  Click on the red “Ask Us” tab on the right side of the page to access the chat feature.  Of course, you can also still ask for help by using the online request form or by emailing

New!  Added Features.

  • Variety of tutorials.  Check out the additional tutorials recently added to the Office’s microsite page.
  • More help.  If you would like assistance arranging for the recording or broadcasting of your course lectures from your classroom or alternate campus site, please submit a request to originate online migration from campus.

FYI. Our page for students. Please know that the ODL also maintains a page on its microsite meant specifically for students.  You can refer them to the following hyperlink: resources for students.  Check it out!

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We realize that many of you are in the midst of preparing to deliver course instruction remotely. Questions from some faculty involve use of the web conferencing tools Google Meet and Zoom. If you are not sure which technology to use, read through this UH Web Conferencing Comparison Table and decide which one would meet your needs.

As of March 14, ITS has worked with Zoom to lift the 40 minutes limitation on group meetings (due to COVID-19). Whether you have already set up a basic account or not, submit a UH Zoom account request to ensure your account is linked to the UH institution license.

Don’t forget that the Teaching During an Emergency site continues to be updated to help support faculty with the transition to remote instruction. Note that the Laulima Remote Instruction Template (designed collaboratively by the UHOIC and Leeward CC instructional designers) is now available to faculty. The template provides easy to locate prompts that will direct you to edit text to customize it to your course, and upload your Syllabus, learning materials, and assignments into the Resources folder. To request an import into your Laulima course, complete this import request form.

Tutorials and mini lessons provided on the site can be completed at your own pace. If you would like additional support, don’t forget that the synchronous webinar sessions will occur throughout this week and will be recorded.

You may also drop in for virtual office hours with a UHOIC instructional designer, available Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from now through April 12. For personalized instructional design consultation, contact your campus instructional designer(s) or fill out the UHOIC Service Request form and schedule an appointment with an instructional designer (web conference or in-person).

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We wish you well in this transition.  Please continue to keep informed of the latest news and developments.

VCAA Jeff Moniz and AVCAA Alan Rosenfeld