Posts for category: Vulnerabilities Weekly Summaries

Many Mobile Stock Trading Application Vulnerabilities Discovered

The majority of stock trading has been conducted online for years now through the use of online applications. Customers have been able to transfer funds between banking accounts, track personal ...

Optionsbleed: Heartbleed’s Less Threatening Cousin

Heartbleed is a vulnerability with a feature in OpenSSL, a software application used to establish secure communications over computer networks, known as heartbeat in 2014. This vulnerability ...

Microsoft .NET and Android Toast Vulnerabilities Patched

Microsoft and Android have recently pushed out updates during this month's Patch Tuesday for their known vulnerabilities on September 12 and September 5, respectively. Both of these operating ...

DoxaGram: Instagram API used to Extract Millions of User Information

Ido Naor, a researcher for Kaspersky Lab, reported to Instagram on August 31 that there was a bug in Intagram's API password reset section. There were approximately a total of 6 million ...


The Researchers from Armis have discovered and disclosed 8-zero day vulnerbilities in the current Bluetooth protocol in their very detailed white paper .  Their attacks have been grouped together ...

Siri, Alexa and other AI get Ultrasounds, the result is the Dolphin Attack

Researchers from China's Zhejiang have found an interesting vulnerability in all the major AI smart assistants. They have dubbed their attack framework as DolphinAttack. This attack relies on ...


Francisco Ribeiro is a security researcher for Mimecast which is a company dedicated to email cloud services focusing on security and auditing. Recently a white paper was published by Francisco ...

Hacking With Stickers

Deep Neural Network-based ClassifiersVulnerabilities Researchers from the of Washington have dived deep into the world of Deep Neural Network-Based algorithms and classifiers and have found and ...

PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. LaserWash / Digi, Ludlum, and Mirion

PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. LaserWash, Laser Jet and ProTouch "IoT" or "internet of things" does not just refer to your coffee maker or refrigerator than can post to Facebook or Twitter, but also ...

Devil’s Ivy

Recently researchers at Senrio Inc. in Portland, Or released a proof of concept exploit dubbed Devil's Ivy CVE-2017-9765 that proves once again IoT devices can have severe vulnerabilities. The ...