Global Cyber Environment
The Global Cyber Environment section is meant to communicate important cybersecurity items of interest which may influence both security and business strategies.
UHWO CSCC Global Cyber Analyst will deliver weekly executive summaries of the current cybersecurity landscape and derive actionable items that would strengthen Hawaii’s community.
This section will also cover data breaches and US/World cybersecurity news.
- Keep up to date on the current global cyber environment
- Produce weekly executive summaries of current cyber events for the CSCC director
- Maintains a section on the CSCC website aggregating information security news stories
- Global Weekly Executive Summaries
- US Cybersecurity News
- World Cybersecurity News (Geographic regions defined by the CIA World Factbook)
- Africa
- Asia
- Central America & the Caribbean
- Europe
- Middle East
- North America
- Oceania
- South America
- Legislation
- This Week in CyberSec Headlines