Global Cyber Analyst Position Description

The Global Cyber Environment section covers significant or large-scale cybersecurity events with global, regional, or local impact that may influence security and business strategies. The Global Cyber Analyst position delivers weekly executive summaries about current cybersecurity events to inform and strengthen Hawaii’s community.


  • International, US, and Hawaii cybersecurity news
  • Major ransomware, DDoS, or critical infrastructure sector attacks
  • Major data breaches affecting the general public, the US government, or the state of Hawaii.
  • APT activity, cyberespionage, and national security news
  • New US or Hawaii legislation relating to cybersecurity

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Monitor news about the current global cyber environment
  2. Write and post products for the UHWO CSCC website about global cybersecurity events
    1. The Global Weekly Executive Summary: timely coverage and analysis of significant cybersecurity events
    2. This Week in CyberSec Headlines: links and a brief summary of aggregated cybersecurity news stories not covered in the Global Weekly Executive Summary
  3. Assign appropriate geographical and keyword tags to articles so that they can be sorted by region or subject
  4. Maintain the Global section and subsections on the CSCC website

Global Sections and Subsections

  • Global Weekly Executive Summaries
  • This Week in CyberSec Headlines
  • US Cybersecurity News
    • United States
    • Spotlight: Hawaii
  • World Cybersecurity News (Geographic regions defined by the CIA World Factbook)
    • Africa
    • Asia
    • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Europe
    • Middle East
    • North America
    • Oceania
    • South America
  • Legislation
    • US Federal
    • Hawaii State