Soft Skills Shorts: Assertiveness

This short workshop highlights the soft skill assertiveness and discusses the importance of being firm, honest, and respectful

Goals and Objectives

  • Identify your own level of assertiveness
  • Learn ways to effectively use gestures, volume, and language to develop your assertiveness
  • Practice being firm with your best interest, while respecting the boundaries of others
Soft Skills Workshop Series

Need Proof Of Completion?

If you need proof of completion for course credit, please watch the video and complete the Google Forms quiz below. You will receive your score via email shortly after submitting the Google Form. 

In addition, upon successful completion of at least 4 workshops in this series, you are eligible to receive a certificate of completion. Certificates can be resume boosters and can be shared with professors as proof of completion. After meeting the above requirements, you can request a Certificate of Completion.

Workshop Video

Workshop Resources


*Please Note Time Stamps Will Open in A New Tab

0:00 Introduction
0:11 What is assertiveness?
0:22 How can you Develop or Practice Assertiveness?
0:25 Strategy 1
1:00 Strategy 2
1:31 Strategy 3
2:03 Strategy 4
2:52 Strategy 5
3:26 Scenario Demonstrating Assertiveness
4:17 Conclusion
4:29 Contact Information


Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). Assertiveness. MindTools.
Psychology Today Staff. (n.d.). Assertiveness. Psychology Today.

Workshop Quiz