Tutor standing at whiteboard, with two students sitting and watching

Make A Tutoring Appointment

Mahalo for reaching out to the No’eau Center. Tutoring appointments are available primarily through Zoom but, but phone and on-campus appointments may also be available, please look at the bottom of the webpage for our most up-to-date hours. To learn more about how Zoom tutoring works, please watch this short video.

Tutoring sessions are generally scheduled for 50 minutes. During the Fall and Spring Semesters, students are allowed up to two 50-minute tutoring sessions per course per week. If you are not able to make your tutoring session, it is your responsibility to call the No’eau Center to cancel. Failure to do so may result in your not being able to schedule appointments in the future. For any questions on our policy, please contact the No’eau Center by phone: (808) 689-2750, by email: uhwowc@hawaii.edu, or by joining our Zoom virtual front desk at bit.ly/noeaucenter

Need Assistance?

Need help making an appointment? Feel free to contact us with the information at the bottom of the page

Additionally, you can request a tutoring appointment via Google Forms at the link below.