Posts for category: Vulnerabilities Weekly Summaries

High Sierra OS Plaintext Bug

What happened? Forensic Analyst Sarah Edwards discovered a flaw in the Apple File System (APFS) within Apple’s High Sierra operating system. It was discovered that newly encrypted APFS volumes ...

Ledger Cryptocurrency Wallet Flaw

What happened? Security researcher, Saleem Rashid discovered a critical flaw in cryptocurrency wallet hardware created by the company, Ledger. A hardware wallets purpose is to protect a users ...

Critical Flaws in AMD Zen Architectures

A set of critical vulnerabilities were recently discovered in AMD’s Zen processor line not unlike Intel's Meltdown/Spectre. Israeli based security researchers from CTS Labs had released a white ...

Memcached Server Attacks

The past few days saw an increase in distributed denial of service(DDoS) attacks involving Memcached servers which were noticed by security researchers Cloudflare, Arbor Networks and Chinese internet ...

Olympic Destroyer

The 2018 Olympic games being held in Pyeongchang, South Korea experienced a slight disruption during their opening ceremonies. A malware dubbed “Olympic Destroyer” was recovered and analysed by ...

ADB.Miner, A Silent Outbreak of Mining

Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic as of late providing an exciting new venture for users to explore, and a new source of income for threat actors. These actors leverage malicious means in order to ...

Jackpotting, The Wrong Type of Jackpot

Brians Krebs reported on the first known ATM jackpotting attacks to occur in the U.S. on January 30, 2018. The attacks were not a surprise, as the ATM vendor Diebold/Nixdorf released a security alert ...

CrossRAT, A new cross platform malware

A detailed security research report on the advanced persistent threat, Dark Caracal was published by Lookout and the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) on January 18, 2018. The report contained ...

Skygofree “Are You Being Watched?”

Kaspersky Labs released a technical document on January 16th, 2018 regarding the discovery of a powerful Android spyware, Skygofree. Having been continuously developed since the end of 2014 its ...

BlueBorne Able to Affect Amazon Echo and Google Home

  Approximately two and a half months ago Armis, an Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity research company, disclosed BlueBorne - Bluetooth implementation vulnerabilities that affected ...