Posts for category: Asia


Executive Summary The North Korean dictatorship, headed by Kim Jong-un, is behind some of the most nefarious cyberwarfare operations active on the global stage. Since the ending of the Korean War ...

China’s Mass-Surveillance Goes Global: SMS Invasion

Overview:State-sponsored Chinese hacking group Lotus Blossom (AKA APT41) has infiltrated 4 telecom companies operating in undisclosed locations. The purpose of this infiltration was to expand their ...

Chinese APT “Thrip” Identified

Executive Overview:        In early September Symantec information security researchers discovered that a “new” Chinese cyber espionage group detected last June, “Thrip”, is ...

China “Xi’s” Red: Cyber Warfare Used on Hong Kong Protestors

Executive Overview: The Communist Party of China (CCP) is reportedly resorting to cyber warfare methods in an attempt to suppress the democratic movement in Hong Kong. In June and September, ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 02 November 2018

China Telecom and BGP Hijacking In an article in Military Cyber Affairs, researchers claim to have uncovered evidence that China Telecom has been deliberately using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 09 FEB 2017

Spearphising the Olympics A recent report by security software company McAfee reveals that unknown hackers launched a spearphishing campaign targeting organizations preparing for the 2018 Winter ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 09 NOV 2017

Chinese APTs Renew Corporate Espionage Operations Against US Companies Two years after the US and China agreed not to conduct or support cyber operations against each other in ways that would ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 29 SEPT 2017

Deloitte Data Breach Multinational accounting and auditing firm Deloitte was the victim of a major cyberattack that lead to unauthorized access to the company’s internal email systems. Staff and ...

Ehdoor/EHDevel Infostealing Malware Targets Pakistan, India

Researchers at cybersecurity providers Symantec and Bitdefender recently documented what appears to be a sustained cyberespionage campaign, ongoing since at least October 2016 that targets ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 01 SEPT 2017

Turla Group, the Gazer Backdoor, and WhiteBear Activity This week, two security researchers published reports relating to well-known cyberespionage APT group,Turla. Security researchers from ...