Posts for category: Best Practices

Equifax Suffers Monumental Data Breach

Equifax, one of the three largest credit agencies in America, has suffered one of the largest data breaches in history, exposing around 143 million people’s personal information. Ironically enough, ...

FDA Recalls 465K Pacemakers/ATM Skimming on the Rise

Overview The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is recalling 465,000 pacemakers manufactured by Abbott Laboratories due to vulnerabilities that can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access. The ...

FCC Releases Public Notice Encouraging the Implementation of SS7 Best Practices/Hurricane Harvey Scams

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a public notice encouraging the implementation of the Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) best ...

Critical Juniper Routers and Switches Vulnerability

What is it? Last week, Juniper warned its customers about a vulnerability (CVE-2016-3074) that can allow attackers to remotely execute code on machines running certain versions of the Junos OS. ...

DOJ Releases Bug Bounty Framework

The importance of vulnerability disclosure programs (aka bug bounty programs) has become apparent recently for many organizations. They are noticing that these programs are very viable ways to find ...

Google Play Protect/New IoT Bill Proposal

Google Play Protect Over the past couple weeks Google has been rolling out a safeguard on Play Services 11 and up against malicious apps on Android devices. This new security suite is called ...

Bad Taste Code Injection Vulnerability

What is it? Last week a code injection vulnerability was discovered in the thumbnail handler component of GNOME Files file manager. If a machine was compromised the attacker would be able to ...

Increasing amount of vulnerable Amazon Web Services servers

What is it? Recently, there have been reports of Amazon Web Services storage servers leaking customer data due to misconfigurations. These reports were concerning Verizon, a California auto loan ...

Windows NTLM Zero-Day Vulnerability

What is it? Microsoft released patches on Tuesday that fixed a serious privilege escalation vulnerability CVE-2017-8563 which affects all Windows operating systems released since 2007. Two NT Lan ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of July 7, 2017

Creators Update Ransomware Protection In September or October of 2017 Microsoft will be releasing the Windows 10 Creators Update. Along with this update is a new protection against ransomware ...