How to Fix Improper Application of ASLR

By Bryce Briggles on November 29, 2017

Recently, it has been reported that Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 fail to properly implement ASLR. Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is a security technique used to prevent the exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities. It does this by randomizing the memory address where application code is run.

In Windows 10, ASLR can be enabled in the Windows Defender Security Center (pictured below).

Windows Defender screen

While researching the (Microsoft Equation Editor) vulnerability, analyst Will Dormann found that ASLR was not randomizing the memory address locations of application binaries in certain situations. Instead, Dormann discovered that programs were relocated, but to the same address every time. It basically means that ASLR is not enabled, leaving users vulnerable.


Dorman stated that in order for ASLR to function correctly, users need to enable ASLR in a bottom-up configuration as opposed to the proper configuration.

While Microsoft is working on a patch for the issue, users can follow these steps to correctly implement ASLR:

  1. Create a blank text file and copy the following text: 

Window registry

 2.  Save the file with a .reg extension.

 3.  Open the Windows Registry Editor by searching for “regedit” from the Start Menu.

 4.  Click File and import the .reg file previously created.


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