Posts for category: Vulnerabilities Weekly Summaries

Cring Ransomware Attack

(By: William Beard on April 29, 2021) Executive Summary Kaspersky reported that several European industrial enterprises were attacked using the Cring ransomware in early 2021.  These ...

Microsoft Exchange Server Zero-Days

(By: William Beard on March 25, 2021) Executive Summary CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26857, CVE-2021-26858, CVE-2021-26865 are four zero-day vulnerabilites that were used recently by the ...

SolarWinds Hack

(By: William Beard on February 18, 2021) Introduction In June 2020, SolarWinds, a software development company based out of Austin, Texas, reported a breach in their supply chain for Orion ...

Comcast TV Remote “WarezTheRemote” Vulnerability can Turn into a Listening Device

Introduction Comcast security researcher team disclosed a vulnerability found in the Comcast XR11 TV remote called “WarezTheRemote” allowing an attacker to record audio without the user’s ...

Microsoft Windows “ZeroLogon” Vulnerability Impacts Samba

Introduction Earlier this month Microsoft announced a privilege-escalation vulnerability or “ZeroLogon” with a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 10.0 of 10.0 making it ...

CVE-2020-1472 – Windows Microsoft “Zerologon” or “NetLogon” Vulnerability Exploit Released

Introduction On September 11, 2020 Secura, a digital security advisor company discovered and announced the Microsoft “Zerologon” or “NetLogon” vulnerability, with a Common Vulnerability ...

CVE-2020-9992 Apple iOS High-Severity Privilege-Escalation Vulnerability

Introduction On September 16, 2020 International Business Machines (IBM) X-Force reported high-severity vulnerability with a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 7.3 out of 10 ...

WordPress File Manager Plugin Affected by a Zero-Day Vulnerability

Introduction On September 01, 2020, a zero-day vulnerability on a WP (WordPress) File Manager plugin that was said to be installed on more than 700,000 sites was found and patched all within the ...

CVE-2020-6492 a use-after-free Vulnerability Fixed for Google Chrome Version 85

Introduction Google Chrome Version 85 has made its way to the stable version the last week of August 2020 making 20 security fixes [1]. There were 14 vulnerabilities patches that was discovered ...

ɑmɑ or Which One Would You Click?

Introduction Domain name spoofing is a popular technique used in phishing campaigns to trick people into clicking on a malicious link. There is typosquatting that use slight misspellings of a domain ...