Posts for category: Regional News

France Considering Punitive Legislation Carrying A 5 Year Jail Sentence For Refusing To Decrypt Data For Police

Source: The French are facing the same dilemmas that us in the United States are facing with respect to encryption. ...

Securing Networks With Big Data and Information Sharing

Source: As was mentioned in the Federal Legislation page of the Global Cyber ...

Using A Phone To Spy On Your 3D Printer

Source: Researchers at the of California - Irvine have found a way of decoding noise ...

Thieves Nab IRS PINs and Run Off With Your Refunds

Source: It turns out the reason why fraudsters were able to steal people's tax refunds was because of the IRS's use of ...

Smart Cars, Hacking, and the Legislation Behind It All

Source: US SPY Car Act of ...

Hackers on the High Seas and In Plumbing Too! – Verizon’s Data Breach Digest Report

Source: Verizon is releasing information about its past ...

ROI of Infosec: 11 Dos and Don’ts for Management Buy In

Posted February 27, 2016 Source: This is a great must read article ...

UC Berkeley Breach
