Posts for category: Regional News

Britain Setting Up Its Own National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

Posted March 18, 2016 Source: Normally Britain's cybersecurity is handled by GCHQ, but GCHQ is an intelligence entity who is not setup to share ...

New USB malware that steals data – USB Thief

Source: Win32/PSW.Stealer.NAI aka USB Thief is a data stealing type malware that is hard to detect ...

MedStar Health hit by virus

Source:  The FBI is currently investigating a virus that has affected MedStar Health, a major Washington area ...

FBI managed to hack iPhone without Apple’s help

Source: The FBI was able to hack the phone of terrorist Farook and his wife recently. The FBI ...

The Importance of Information Governance in Information Security

Source: The article begins with the importance of data ...

Phishing for W2’s

Source: A word of warning to payroll and accounting employees, be careful of phishing emails ...

Dell open sources DCEPT honeypot tool

Source: Dell SecureWorks researchers have developed a honeypot tool for Windows ...

Should I Hack Them Back? No. No, You Shouldn’t…

Source: The RSA Conference 2016 just took place last week, but I felt that this was an important topic for all ...

Toymaker VTech Trying To Escape Data Protection Responsibilities

Source: In November 15, VTech's systems and information was hacked. An estimate of ...