Posts for category: US News

Cellebrite’s Stolen Mobile Phone Hacking Tools Released Publicly

On February 2nd, a hacker publicly released what appear to be mobile phone hacking tools taken from Cellebrite, the mobile forensics company reportedly hired by the FBI to unlock the San Bernadino ...

Obama Pardons Gen. Cartwright, Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

During his last week in presidential office, Barack Obama pardoned Gen. James Cartwright and granted clemency to Chelsea Manning, two high-profile figures involved leaking classified U.S. information ...

The U.S. Army is Launching Its First Bug Bounty Program

Source:, (SecurityWeek, ...

DDoS Attacks on DYN Take Down Tech Giants: Github, Twitter, Netflix, and More

Source: John McAfee: North Korea behind Dyn DDoS assault, larger attacks on the way, DYN CONFIRMS DDOS ATTACK AFFECTING TWITTER, GITHUB, MANY OTHERS (TECHSPOT, Threatpost) On Friday October 21, ...

Retired Four Star U.S. General Charged With Lying in Iran Cyber Attack Examination

Source:, Prosecutors ...

Ghost Push Malware Still Taking a Toll on Android Devices Through Malicious Links

Source:,, CheetahMobile) Cheetah Mobile a ...

Iran-linked Threat Group Targets Government Organizations

Source: An Iran-linked threat group who has been observed attacking organizations in Saudi Arabia ...

APT Gang Sofacy is Targeting OS X Machines with “Komplex” Trojan

Source:,, ...

The White House Hires a New Federal CISO

Source:,, The ...