Posts for category: US News

Equifax Megabreach Update: How, who, and more

Last week, we reported that the major credit reporting company Equifax announced a massive data breach affecting up to 143 million US customers last week on 7 September, but the developing story over ...

Equifax Breach affects 143 Million in the US

Updated FTC link on: 3/28/2022Equifax Data BreachCredit reporting agency Equifax announced a massive data breach on 7 September that it says could potentially impact 143 million US customers. Equifax ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, 01 SEPT 2017

Turla Group, the Gazer Backdoor, and WhiteBear Activity This week, two security researchers published reports relating to well-known cyberespionage APT group,Turla. Security researchers from ...

Global Weekly Executive Summary, August 11, 2107

eLoran: New Interest in Radio Navigation Technology after GPS Jamming Incidents Recent incidents of GPS interference and jamming and the possibility of cyberattacks have renewed interest in ...

NotPetya Ransomware Disrupts Merck Vaccine Production

Merck, a global leader in drug and vaccine production, may be unable to produce hepatitis B vaccines until 2018 because of worldwide production disruptions resulting from the NotPetya ransomware ...

Largest Dark Web Black Market Sites Shut Down

The two largest dark web marketplaces, AlphaBay and Hansa, have been shut down as a result of an international cooperative effort involving the FBI, the DEA, Europol, and the Dutch National Police. ...

Microsoft Sues Fancy Bear

Microsoft has devised a new and effective angle to fight back against Fancy Bear, the cyberespionage group accused of hacking of the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Microsoft sued them. ...

US Cybersecurity Headlines in Review, July 14, 2017

Kaspersky Software Being Phased Out of US Govt The US General Services Administration (GSA) has removed Kaspersky Lab from two lists of approved vendors for US government ...

The US Government & Kasperksy Updates

A US Senate bill would ban the use of Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab’s security software from being used in Department of Defense networks. FBI agents recently questioned employees ...

Wikileaks Vault7 CIA Tools Dump, Parts 14 and 15, OutlawCountry, BothanSpy, Gyrfalcon

The malware known as OutlawCountry, BothanSpy, and Gyrfalcon are the focus of Wikileaks’ most recent file dumps in the ongoing Vault7 series of purportedly stolen and leaked CIA files. ...