Posts for category: Forensics Weekly Executive Summmaries

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of July 15, 2016

Pokémon Go  If you have been wondering the world trying to “Catch ‘em all”, hopefully you did not catch any viruses or malware. The Pokémon released their mobile device app called ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of July 8, 2016

In this technological age, people use all types of virtual documents on a daily basis. There are so many in this world from DOC files, to PDF and the normal TXT files as well. If you are an Apple ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of July 1, 2016

The famous ride-sharing company known as Uber was vulnerable to a hack that would disclose some of your personal information. A couple months ago as part of a bug bounty(see sources for definition), ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of June 17, 2016

If you use Chrome to view PDF files you could be at risk if your plug-ins are out of date. In May of this year, a bug was found that allowed PDF files could exploit a vulnerability if you used the ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of June 10, 2016

Newer technology is more susceptible to attacks as there are fewer measures taken to protect them. Recently mobile malware has been a major target for attackers. Android users are more prone to these ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of June 3, 2016

In a recent Flash exploit, many websites have been publishing ads with malware tied to them. Known as malvertising, you will be looking through a website and see an ad from a reputable organization. ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of May 27, 2016

In this current age of technology, life has been made easier as we can send information faster and develop shortcuts. One of the biggest shortcuts we utilize on a day-to-day basis would be copying ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of May 20, 2016

In our current day and age information runs the world. Having a system that is compromised can affect how we pass along information. Last week we talked about phishing which is one of the most ...

Forensics Weekly Summary for Week of May 13, 2016

Recently members of theUniversity of Hawaii system have received various phishing attacks attempting to obtain information. Phishing is considered a social-engineering attack that attempts to obtain ...