Posts for category: Forensics Weekly Executive Summmaries

New Apple Exploit Vulnerabilities Explained

Introduction On August 17, 2022 Apple released emergency security updates to address two critical zero-day vulnerabilities that have been used to compromise iPhones and Macs [1]. These ...

Memory CTF with Volatility Part 3

Introduction Memory analysis or Memory forensics is the process of analyzing volatile data from computer memory dumps. With the advent of “fileless” malware, it is becoming increasingly more ...

Memory CTF with Volatility Part 2

Introduction Memory analysis or Memory forensics is the process of analyzing volatile data from computer memory dumps. With the advent of “fileless” malware, it is becoming increasingly more ...

Memory CTF with Volatility Part 1

Introduction Memory analysis or Memory forensics is the process of analyzing volatile data from computer memory dumps. With the advent of “fileless” malware, it is becoming increasingly more ...

Installing SIFT Workstation

Introduction Sans Investigative Forensics Toolkit (SIFT) workstation is an open-source incident response and forensic toolkit created to perform on various settings for digital forensics. ...

Writing a Basic Port Scanner in Python

(By: Guy Nguyen-Phuoc on October 16, 2020) INTRODUCTION Port Scanning is the art of looking for open ports on a host or system. When you visit a website, you are allowing information to traverse ...

Metamorfo Banking Trojan Reappears to Steal your Credentials with Keylogger.

What is it? Banking Trojan Dubbed as? MetamorfoIntroduction:According to Threatpost, Metamorfo, a banking trojan malware known for targeting Brazilian companies back in 2018 is now expanding to ...

Escaping Metasploit – vsFTPd 2.3.4

(By: Guy Nguyen-Phuoc on Apr 19, 2019) Introduction Metasploit is a fantastic tool, whether it is out in the field or through learning the ropes of exploitation. Its streamlined process of ...

Smash The Stack: An Introduction

(By: Guy Nguyen-Phuoc on March 13, 2019)INTRODUCTION:Buffer Overflows have been the bane of cyber security for more than 45 years. With no sign of stopping, fledgling security researchers should be ...

Forensics Summary for Week of February 9, 2018

Stealthy Magnetic Fields Able to Exfiltrate Data Through Faraday Cages Malware Name: MAGNETO (PoC) and ODINI (PoC) Researchers at Ben-Gurion of the Negev Cyber Security Research Center in ...