Posts for category: Best Practices

Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of April 15, 2016

For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible. Microsoft has ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 8, 2016

WhatsApp a popular mobile online messaging service has just announced that they have completed end-to-end encryption for all of its services. This means that every message, image, video, etc. sent or ...

Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of April 8, 2016

For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible. Adobe released a ...

Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of April 1, 2016

For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible. Apple released an ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 1, 2016

A man by the name of Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer was able to access thousands of printers on the internet and print anti-Semitic flyers. Weev was able to find these printers using a mass IP port ...

Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of March 18, 2016

For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible. Symantec released an ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of March 18, 2016

A software research team from Northbit have developed a reliable exploit for the Stagefright vulnerability found on Google’s mobile operating system Android. It is estimated that millions of phones ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of March 11, 2016

Mac users beware! The first fully working ransomeware for the Mac OS was discovered. A new ransomeware called KeRanger was discovered by a research team from Palo Alto Networks.  The Transmission ...

Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of March 11, 2016

For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible. Mozilla released ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of March 4, 2016

This week the Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption (DROWN) attack has been getting a lot publicity. DROWN is a serious vulnerability that affects HTTPS via SSL and TLS. Attackers can ...