Posts for category: Best Practices Weekly Summaries

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of June 10, 2016

Malware: Trojans One of the most common types of malware today is the Trojan Horse malware.  It is a type of malware that is usually disguised as a legitimate program.  The malicious task is ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of June 3, 2016

Electronic Devices in Cars Many computing systems are now standard, and even expected, in newer cars: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS for example.  This poses some security risks because many of these ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of May 27, 2016

Microsoft Banning Bad Passwords Microsoft has moved to ban bad or commonly used passwords.  In the Microsoft Account Service platform, there will be a new feature that will prevent users from ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of May 20, 2016

Tech Support Scammers Locking Windows Computers There is a new trick tech support scammers are using when trying to get users to share their credit card information.  A screen locker will show ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of May 13, 2016

Preparing Your Network for the IoT Revolution With the rapid increase of Internet Connectivity for each person, there is also an increase in security demands as well. It is estimated that by 2020 ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of May 6, 2016

The Linux Foundation and the Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) launched a Best Practices Badge program this week. The goal of the programs is to help companies with adopting open source ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 22, 2016

Ransomware is a growing problem for cyber security. Every day it seems that there is a new ransomware being discovered, and cyber security professionals are having a hard time keeping up. Most ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 15, 2016

The Badlock bug was disclosed this week. It is a security bug in Windows and Samba that may allow attackers to perform man in the middle (MITM) attacks, and denial of service (DOS) attacks. Badlock ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 8, 2016

WhatsApp a popular mobile online messaging service has just announced that they have completed end-to-end encryption for all of its services. This means that every message, image, video, etc. sent or ...

Best Practices Weekly Summary for Week of April 1, 2016

A man by the name of Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer was able to access thousands of printers on the internet and print anti-Semitic flyers. Weev was able to find these printers using a mass IP port ...