Posts for category: Best Practices Weekly Summaries

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of February 10, 2017

Don’t Forget About Your Router With the recent Mirai botnet malware,  many wireless connected home devices were infected using default usernames and passwords.  The Mirai malware then can turn ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of February 3, 2017

The Importance of Endpoint Security Endpoint security is an important role in any cybersecurity infrastructure and needs to be more preventative because of the high success rate of malware ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of January 20, 2017

The Year of Ransomware According to Malwarebytes Labs, ransomware was the leading type of malware that attackers were utilizing against businesses.  The report also stated that the FBI has ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of November 25, 2016

DHS Releases Best Practices for IoT Revolution The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released Strategic Principles for Securing the Internet of Things (IoT).  The purpose was to help IoT ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of November 4, 2016

Business Executives Targeted by Spyware An Android 6.0.1 device owned  by a VP at a global technology company was recently found to contain malware.  Researchers from Skycure, a mobile security ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of October 21, 2016

Using Skype While Typing Causes Privacy Risk Skype, and other Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services provide a great way for users to multitask while attending meetings.  This, however also ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of October 14, 2016

National Cyber Security Awareness Month The month of October has been declared National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM).  It was created as a collaborative effort between government and ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of September 30, 2016

Best Practices for Email Security Email is the still the one of the heaviest used form of communication today, especially in businesses.  Even with the popularity of file sharing, email still ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of September 23, 2016

Cyber Security Best Practices after Massive Yahoo Data Breach 500 million Yahoo user accounts were stolen by state-sponsored hackers in an attack that occurred on their network in late 2014. ...

Weekly Executive Summary for Week of September 16, 2016

FBI Encourages Reporting of Ransomware Infections The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), jointly with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), sent out a public service announcement ...