Weekly Patch and Update Summary for Week of March 4, 2016
By Taylor Sakuda on March 4, 2016
For all patches and updates listed below please use the appropriate updating methods for your system. It is advised that you patch and update your system as soon and possible.
OpenSSL has released an update that addresses the newly announced DROWN attack by disabling the SSLv2 protocol by default and removing SSLv2 EXPORT ciphers. For more information please see OpenSSL Security Advisory
Logitech released a new firmware for their wireless mouse and keyboards. This update is to address the MouseJack vulnerabilities discovered by the research group Bastille. For more information please see Logitech Response to Unifying Receiver Research Findings
Canonical also released many security patches for their operating system Ubuntu. For more information please see Ubuntu security notices.
Below is a list of patches:
- USN-2919-1: JasPer vulnerabilities
- USN-2918-1: pixman vulnerability
- USN-2916-1: Perl vulnerabilities
- USN-2915-1: Django vulnerabilities
- USN-2914-1: OpenSSL vulnerabilities
- USN-2909-2: Linux kernel (Utopic HWE) regression
- USN-2910-2: Linux kernel (Vivid HWE) regression
- USN-2908-5: Linux kernel (Wily HWE) regression
- USN-2908-4: Linux kernel regression
- USN-2913-3: OpenSSL update
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