Building a strong identity for UH West Oʻahu requires a consistent approach to use of brand concepts and design across all of our programs. The UH West Oʻahu signature is the most identifiable image representing our institution.
Campus Logo or Signature
The campus signature (commonly referred to as a campus logo) is a graphic element comprised of two parts — a nameplate (typographic rendition) of the UH West Oʻahu name and an underscore, accompanied by the UH West Oʻahu seal. The nameplate may be used without the seal on communications where the seal cannot be clearly reproduced, space is limited or there is another compelling reason to omit the seal.
A custom nameplate has been created for the UHWO Microsite Theme.
Four styles of signatures
There only four styles of UH West O‘ahu signatures. They are top, left, stacked and bottom. Which style of logo you use is mainly dictated by what the surrounding layout the signature is placed in and sometimes whether it is a print or web application. Use your discretion on which style is best for your layout.
Signature Download
UH West O‘ahu signature is available for official university use only and requires login with UH faculty/staff username and password. By downloading the UH West O‘ahu signature, the user agrees to comply with applicable federal and state laws, Hawai‘i ethics code and university licensing regulations and graphics standards. Retailers and vendors should refer to Collegiate Licensing or contact the UH licensing administrator, uhlicens@hawaii.edu.
If you have problems, or need larger versions of the images, contact UH Communications, ur@hawaii.edu or (808) 956-8856.
Signature Colors Variants
When using a signature that has two colors, only the underscore and seal in its entirety can be shown with the UH West O‘ahu red. When using a signature with only one color, we recommend only using all white or all black.
Do not alter the signature artwork, colors or font; alter the placement or proportion of the seal respective to the nameplate; stretch, distort or rotate the signature; box or frame the signature or use over a complex background; screen the signature or run type over it; or introduce drop shadows or other filters.
Correct use of Signature
Displaying the UH West O‘ahu signature correctly is an important step toward brand consistency. Using the proper colors, placement, sizes and considerations retains a professional quality and reinforces our identity.
Don’t alter the signature artwork, colors or font
Don’t alter placement or proportion of seal respective to the nameplate
Don’t stretch, distort or rotate the signature
Don’t box or frame the signature or use over a complex background
Screen the signature or run type over it
Introduce drop shadows or other filters
Don’t place another graphic element too close to the signature
Don’t use the same or similar font as used on the nameplate for type close to the signature
UH Campus Seal
The University of Hawai‘i seal was adopted by the Board of Regents on April 7, 1921 and amended March 29, 1946. It contains a torch and book titled Mālamalama—usually translated “light of knowledge,” also meaning clarity of thinking and enlightenment. The date the institution was established—1907—appears below the torch. The state motto, “Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina I ka pono,” is inscribed on the bottom rim. Assigned by King Kamehameha III on the restoration of the monarchy by Great Britain in 1843 and adopted by the Territorial Legislature in 1959, it translates as “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness” and reflects the Hawaiians’ reverence for the ʻāina, or land, from which first kalo (taro) and then the first human sprang.
The 2006 update was developed to modernize the seal in a manner that reflects its history, spirit, and global perspective while providing a readable version for modern print, electronic, and product applications. It returns to a single UH version of the seal paired with campus-unique colors and signatures.

How should the seal be used?
The seal may be used alone or in conjunction with the signature. If used alone, the seal can be:
- used in black or the respective system/campus color (If another color is used for design reasons, avoid colors associated with other campuses)
- screened as a background element
- reversed
The seal may not:
- be stretched or distorted
- have any altered elements within the seal
- be smaller than 5/8 inch on publications or 1/4 inch on merchandise
- enlarged to a size that compromises graphic integrity
Can I use the Original Seal?
The 1946 version is reserved for very formal applications only (e.g., diplomas). Consult External Affairs and University Relations, through the UH West O‘ahu Communications Department, on proposed use.
Graphic Element
The use of modified or different logos weakens efforts to build a brand. To satisfy the needs of our campus community for an individual identity within the overall campus brand, the university developed a Unit Signature.
Although not advisable, entities that feel strongly about developing a graphic element as opposed to the recommended unit signature to represent their unit/division/department/concentration/program/committee may request one through their respective Vice Chancellor. A graphic element would need to satisfy the stringent requirements for an alternate and secondary marks, as defined by UH System Graphic Standards. These requests are granted under extremely special circumstances that require requests made in writing and transmitted via the respective chancellor or vice president to the associate vice president for external affairs and university relations. These circumstances include:
- Does the entity constitute an independent public attraction and/or and commercial operation that has established historical equity in its insignia? This exception does not apply to units whose primary purpose is delivery of credit or non-credit training.
- Is the entity a non–degree-granting, independent research unit that has historical equity in and widespread recognition of its identity mark?
- Is the unit named for a major benefactor whose gift stipulates provisions for an identity program?
- Is the unit a major programmatic entity administered jointly with another institution or agency? This exception does not apply to centers established to pursue specific investigations nor those funded, but not jointly operated by extramural agencies.
- Is the entity a campus NCAA athletic program?
Vice Chancellors shall develop an internal review process and present the graphic element to the Executive Team and UH West Oʻahu Communications Department for approval. The ultimate decision to approve a graphic element to represent a specific division/department/concentration/program rests with the UH West Oʻahu Chancellor. The request must state the exceptional circumstances that warrant deviation from the university signature system.
Chartered Student Organizations (CSOs), Registered Independent Student Organizations (RISOs), and other student organizations should discuss the option of a graphic element with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs through the Student Life Coordinator.
For questions regarding alternate logos, please contact the Communications Department.