Promotional Items

Promotional items are given out to target audiences to promote the campus or advertise campus departments, divisions, or programs at an event or activity. Units requesting promotional items should work with their respective fiscal officer and the UH West Oʻahu Communications Department for the use of the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu name or logo, visual representation, graphic design, or custom artwork. See Brand Protection.
For campus departments (for example: Admissions)
- Must only use the official UH West O‘ahu logo (or Communications Department approved graphic).
- Logo should either be the color logo (red/black), black, or white if printed over a dark background.
- Logo should follow Correct Use of Signature guidelines.
For academic programs (for example: Business Division)
- Must include the official UH West O‘ahu Unit Signature. Submit a formal request for a unit signature.
- Logo should either be the color logo (red/black), black, or white if printed over a dark background.
- Unit Signatures should follow Unit Signature guidelines.
For non-academic campus programs (for example: Grant-funded programs)
- Inclusion of the official UH West O‘ahu logo is advised. If included, follow campus logo guidelines.
- Custom artwork, intended for temporal/limited use, can be created for purposes such as T-shirts or bags to support an event or activity. However:
- Graphic is assumed to be a one-time use (not a logo/graphic element)
- It should be an original design, not a parody or likeness of any trademarked graphic or design
- Consider alignment with UH West Oʻahu-branded colors.
- Colors associated with other UH campuses should be avoided.
- Typefaces such as Avenir family and Gloss & Bloom are recommended but not required.
- Typefaces used should be clean, professional, and readable.
- No use offensive imagery or derogatory terms
- Be clear and easy to read