The following is our PowerPoint™ presentation template for the UH West O‘ahu campus. This template should only be used by current UH West O‘ahu faculty, staff and other officially affiliated persons that are presenting on behalf of the campus. Faculty and staff should not use this template for non-campus related presentations.
Powerpoint Template
UH West O‘ahu Powerpoint™ TemplateTemplate Fonts

Some helpful information to keep in mind regarding fonts used in the templates:
- This template uses the Calibri font for both heading and body copy. This font is clean and easy to read and most importantly available on most presentation computers.
- You may also use Avenir (or Optima font), but since many computers do not have this font loaded into it’s system, we recommend only use this font on a presentation computer you can control or own.
- When changing the presentation font, we recommend changing it using the Master Slide therefore all slides will be formatted automatically.
Presentation Tips
Some basic tips to keep in mind when creating your PowerPoint™ presentation:
- Simple is better. You want your audience to focus on what you’re saying and not constantly reading the screen.
- Consider printed handouts if you have a lot of detail to cover. If you do this, hand it out at the end of your presentation so the audience focuses on you and not the handout. It is a good idea to let your audience know that you will be giving them handouts afterward so they are aware.
- Use white space effectively. Limit the amount of bullet points and text. Your slides should provide cues for your talking points and help the audience to remember the key points of your presentation.
- Do not read from your slides. Make eye-contact and engage with your audience. Take the opportunity to connect and share what you know.
- Try to include nice photography or informative graphics like graphs or charts.
- Avoid sound effects or over-animated transitions.