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TEACH Act and Digitizing Library Media Requests for your classes

September 1, 2022 Alphie Garcia
two shaking hands

The Library and the UHWO IT department have partnered to streamline the process for instructors to digitizing media owned by the James & Abigail Campbell Library. You can now use our OneSearch tool to search if the Library owns a media title that you would like to share with your class via the TEACH Act and request it in the same interface.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Search for a title from the Library homepage or directly in OneSearch:

title on home page

Step 2: Sign in to OneSearch at the link in the top right corner or directly here.

sign in location

Step 3: Once logged in, select the physical media record you want to digitize, and scroll down to the “TEACH Act Request” link.

teach act location

Step 4: The link will open the UHWO IT TEACH Act request form. Fill in the required fields.

Requester fields

request fields

videos fields

The title is prefilled, but other information such as the Author(creator) and Video Date Published will need to be completed. Toggle back to the record link to fill in as best you can.

Lastly, select the checkbox to acknowledge that you’ve agreed to the TEACH Act terms and hit “Submit”.

teach fields

Learn more about the TEACH Act here and if you have any questions or need any additional help, feel free to send an email to

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