新年快乐! Chinese New Year is Sat, 1/25/2020

January 22, 2020 Carina Chernisky
A picture of several chinese flanterns floating in the sky.

We’re ushering in the Year of the Rat. Make sure to clean your house before Saturday, to get rid of ill-fortune and make room for incoming good luck! (^v^)

Below are some library resources that may be of interest to you and your family as we welcome this new lunar year.

For children:

Below are news stories, which can be accessed anyone.

  • Chinese New Year 2020: Rats, luck and why you should avoid medicine, laundry and crying children (The Telegraph)
  • Chinese New Year: What You Need to Know (BBC)
  • Year of the Rat: When is the Chinese New Year and what is the meaning of the 2020 zodiac sign? (Independent)

About the header image: “Chinese Lantern” by PublicDomainPictures was retrieved from Pixabay and has an open Pixabay license.

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