Resources for Faculty and Staff

UH West Oʻahu provides an array of tools and resources to all of our faculty and staff. The usage of all technology resources at UH West Oʻahu is governed by the UH Use and Management of Information Technology Resources Policy and the UH Institutional Data Classification Categories and Information Security Guidelines.

Popular Resources

Technical Support

The IT Help Desk can assist with basic technical issues that you might have as it relates to your courses. The IT Help Desk will help you get on the UHWO wireless, log into Laulima, and troubleshoot software for your distance education courses. We do not perform computer repairs but we will do our best to identify what the problem is. 

Live Streaming and Recording

Our Media Production Team provides simple to moderate levels of streaming and recording services through the Campus’ media system. 

Purchasing Technology

Faculty and staff can get assistance from IT for all of their technology needs. IT can help you pick the correct technology to fit your needs and your budget. IT will help you ensure that your technology would fit into your project and is sustainable for the duration of your project.

Installation / Relocation

UH West Oʻahu IT will provide installation and relocation services on Campus for all IT equipment owned by UH and UHWO. Please provide at least 48 hours for hardware, software and peripheral installations and at least 3-5 business days to plan for equipment moves. IT should be consulted for large or complex moves and installations as early in the process as possible.

UH West Oʻahu Wireless Internet

UH West Oʻahu has an extensive wireless internet infrastructure in all of the buildings on campus. The campus wireless is open to all UH faculty, staff and students. As UH faculty or staff, you can sponsor and provide wireless access to your visitors for academic purposes. These visitor wireless passes are temporary and you will need to apply for them prior to their visit.

UH Username

All UHWO faculty and staff must register for their UH username after they receive their Personnel Action Form. The UH username is important because it allows you to access all the necessary services that you would need as an employee.

Grant Technology Support

UH West Oʻahu IT will help you with the planning and purchasing of technology that you need to support your grant.