Student Resources

Distance learning, or distance education, encompasses all educational experiences that occur from a physical distance.


UH West Oʻahu will soon be transitioning to the Lamakū learning management system (LMS), also known as D2L Brightspace. Find relevant video tutorials on accessing and navigating course content at Lamakū Student Resources. For more resources, see Related Links in the right-hand column. 

As we transition, some courses may continue to use Laulima to organize course content for in-person and online courses. Students are encouraged to go through a brief site tutorial when signed in to Laulima by clicking the account’s profile picture to reveal the option.

Students should contact instructors with any questions about course content or request LMS assistance via this online form. 

Online Degree Programs

UH West Oʻahu offers online coursework in many of the most popular degree programs. After completing lower division coursework in-person and online at UH West Oʻahu and/or a partnering University of Hawaiʻi Community College, students may pursue UH West Oʻahu’s distance learning upper-division coursework in Business Administration, Creative Media, Humanities, Public Administration, Applied Science, Education, and Social Sciences.* 

Additionally, there are 12 certificate programs.

*UH West Oʻahu does not offer online-only degree programs. Lower division coursework needs to be completed via in-person and online classes at UH West O’ahu and/or a partnering University of Hawai’i Community College.

Online Resources

Handy Helpwall

This student resource includes a growing collection of infographics, tip sheets and tutorials on using online tools. Find answers to frequently asked questions about Google apps, Lamakū (D2L Brightspace), personal finances and more.

IT Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) also provides support for students using Laulima. Students may submit requests for Laulima technical support in the following ways:

In-person: Visit the IT Service Center on the first floor of the Library
Phone: (808) 689-2411

Or follow this Request Assistance link and click request assistance at the bottom of the Laulima portal page for support from UH ITS.

Student Advising

The UH West O‘ahu Student Affairs Office provides the following services:

  • admissions information
  • academic advising
  • course registration assistance
  • financial aid, scholarships, and veteran benefits

To request information you may contact the Student Affairs Office at (808) 689-2900, toll-free at 1-866-299-8656.

Disabilities Services

UH West Oʻahu is committed to making its programs and services fully and equally accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504), and all related University of Hawai‘i policies and state laws. By providing full access to qualified students with disabilities, UH West O‘ahu demonstrates its belief that the community will benefit from the skills and talents of these individuals.

Phone: (808) 689-2936

UH West Oʻahu Compliance

UH West Oʻahu strives to provide an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination.

UH West Oʻahu Bookstore

Students taking courses from UH West O‘ahu may purchase textbooks online through the UH West O‘ahu Bookstore. Books for courses offered by other campuses need to be purchased through the bookstore for that campus.

UH West Oʻahu Library

The Library is committed to providing seamless access to print and electronic resources; to instructing and guiding students, faculty, staff and community members on how to use resources; to creating a sense of place—and not just a space—on campus where the University community can connect and engage; and to enabling students to make independent, confident decisions regarding their information needs.

No‘eau Center

The No‘eau Center provides academic support to students through testing services, tutoring, workshops, and other support services. The No‘eau Center promotes lifelong learning by helping students at all levels of ability to gain the skills necessary to learn effectively, confidently, and independently.

For tutoring, call (808) 689-2750 or email

For testing, call (808) 689-2752 or email