On-Demand Workshops

Choosing a Topic

30 mins.

This workshop will outline the process of choosing a topic for your assignment. You’ll learn how:

  • to narrow/broaden your topic to ensure you have enough information to craft your argument
  • to extract keywords and identify synonyms
  • to choose relevant databases

Citing Sources

30 mins.

This workshop will detail how and when to cite sources. Citing sources is incredibly important in the academic community, so this is an important skill to master. When scheduling the workshop, please specify the citation style required for your assignment – APA, ASA, MLA, etc. You’ll learn:

  • how to craft in-text citations
  • the major elements of full references
  • to double-check that all in-text citations point to a full reference and vice-versa

Database Searching

45 mins.

Your choice – choose a database or two that you’d like to focus on or leave it to us! The list of databases that the Campbell Library subscribes to can be found here. You’ll learn:

  • how to access/choose databases
  • how to utilize the search interface to streamline the search process
  • about useful tools located within databases
  • how to store articles you find for easy access

Evaluating Sources

30 mins.

This workshop will teach you how to use the CRAAP test to ensure that your sources are appropriate for academic research. The CRAAP test encourages you to think critically about the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose of each item you find. The quality of your sources speaks to the quality of your research and paper…so it’s essential to know how to properly evaluate them.

Finding Books/eBooks

45 mins.

Searching for books and/or ebooks? Learn how to navigate Onesearch, and Ebook Central in this workshop.

Google: Smart Searching

45 mins.
This workshop will show you how to use Google to your advantage. You’ll learn:

  • about phrase searching
  • how to search in specific domains
  • how to search for specific file formats
  • how to search for specific words in the title field
  • how to conduct an “Advanced Search” to do all the above and MORE

Literature Reviews

30 mins.

All you need to know! A literature review summarizes and synthesizes published information on a certain topic. We’ll start by discussing what a literature review is, how it’s different from a research paper, why literature reviews are useful, and the basics of searching for sources.

Search Tricks

30 mins.

This workshop highlights the importance of various search strategies you should be using. You’ll learn about:

  • identifying keywords and synonyms
  • phrase searching
  • boolean operators
  • truncation
  • search fields
  • keyword searching vs. subject searching

To Register

  1. Identify a workshop that interests you.
  2. Find at least 3 other people (your group should have a minimum of 4 individuals) that are interested in attending the workshop with you.
  3. Submit your request.
  4. You’ll be contacted by a Librarian within 24 business hours to confirm a date/time and location.
  5. All attendees will be emailed a certificate verifying their attendance at the workshop…and their newfound skills!