Showing posts for Collections category

New Casual Reading Books 2/2/2024

The library recently added a selection of books to the Casual Reading Collection. The newly added titles include recently published fiction and nonfiction books. For more information about some of ...
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Spotlighting Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October 10/12/2023

October is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness month.  The UHWO Compliance Hui will be sponsoring a Domestic Awareness Event on Tuesday October 31, 2023 from 10 am - 2 pm in the Learning ...
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October is LGTBQ+ History Month 10/2/2023

Photo by Edson Rosas on Unsplash. According to the Library of Congress LGBTQ+ History month was first officially celebrated in the United States in 1994.  This coincided with National Coming Out ...
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Spotlighting AANHPI Voices and Stories 9/18/2023

The Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) program was established by Congress on September 27, 2007 to improve access to high-quality postsecondary ...
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New Books for Casual Reading 9/18/2023

Take some time to enjoy a book from the Library’s Casual Reading collection. A selection of popular fiction and nonfiction books has recently been added to the New Books section located on the ...
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UHM’s Hamilton Library Expands Access to Resources 7/3/2023

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa's (UHM) Hamilton Library has significantly enriched the database resources available to the entire UH System via the judicious use of HEERF funds. Thanks to their ...
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