UH System is Celebrating Earth Week

April 19, 2020 Carina Chernisky
Picture of a Corn Field and a Blue Sky with Clouds

This year marks the 50th celebration of Earth Week! The University of Hawai’i Office of Sustainability Kupu AmeriCorps VISTA Team compiled a useful Virtual Earth Week package, filled with facts, resources, and activities about local and global sustainability. Inside, you’ll find daily challenges and tips on how you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Check it out!!

Library Resources

Our Library also provides you with access to digital resources that you may find useful.

  • Green Parties, Green Future: From Local Groups to the International Stage (link)
  • New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene (link)
  • Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet (link)
  • Viewing the Future in the Past: Historical Ecology Applications to Environmental Issues (link)

Freely Available Online

[About the header image: Field by Snapshot_Factory has an open Pixabay license.]

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