UH System is Celebrating Earth Week
April 19, 2020 Carina Chernisky
This year marks the 50th celebration of Earth Week! The University of Hawai’i Office of Sustainability Kupu AmeriCorps VISTA Team compiled a useful Virtual Earth Week package, filled with facts, resources, and activities about local and global sustainability. Inside, you’ll find daily challenges and tips on how you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Check it out!!
Library Resources
Our Library also provides you with access to digital resources that you may find useful.
- Green Parties, Green Future: From Local Groups to the International Stage (link)
- New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene (link)
- Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet (link)
- Viewing the Future in the Past: Historical Ecology Applications to Environmental Issues (link)
Freely Available Online
- Celebrate #EarthDayAtHome with NASA! They have a collection of activities and videos that you can enjoy in the comfort of your home. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has also created downloadable posters for you.
- National Geographic wants to take your family on a virtual safari to learn about animals! Check out their activities and how you can create a neighborhood safari.
- Virtually visit America’s National Parks! Check out their page for games, activities, and virtual events you and your family can participate in.
- Watch the Earth Day Live webstream from April 22-24! Activists, performers, artists, and more are joining forces to educate us about the climate crisis and empower us to take meaningful action.
[About the header image: Field by Snapshot_Factory has an open Pixabay license.]
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