i don't pay attention to the world ending

April 3, 2020 Carina Chernisky
A picture of a cloth, on which sits a person that has two books open and a white ceramic teacup.

it has ended for me
many times
and began again in the morning.
Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

It’s National Poetry Month! Here are some things you can do to celebrate, as suggested by the Academy of American Poets:

Library Resources

We have a lot of poetry available to you! Check out:

  • the following ebooks:
    • The Routledge anthology of poets on poets poetic responses to English poetry from Chaucer to Yeats (link)
    • The Cambridge Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Poetry (link)
    • Paradise Lost (link)
    • Shakespeare’s Sonnets (link)
    • No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay (link)
    • The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (link)
    • Little Anodynes by Jon Pineda (link)
    • Wild Hundreds by Nate Marshall (link)
    • Slow War by Benjamin Hertwig (link)
  • Browse poems that were published in American Poetry Review
  • Read essays and critiques about Victorian Poetry
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