What's the Deal with the Maunakea Controversy?

September 18, 2019 Kawena Komeiji
A pic of Mauna Kea, as seen from Mauna Loa.

You’ve seen the Hawaiian flags. You’ve heard the stories. But, why is another telescope on Maunakea such a big deal? Don’t worry, librarians from the University of Hawaiʻi are here to help! 

Windward Community College Library has a resource guide on civil disobedience with a special tab about kapu aloha to help you get educated on what kapu aloha means. You can also find Maunakea and the Thirty-Meter A picture of the official Hawaiian flag, upside down, indicating distress.Telescope specific research guides created by the Lama Library at Kapiʻolani Community College and a new guide by the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College Library. As you explore these research guides, please remember that they are not comprehensive but are meant to be a starting point in your research. If you need additional assistance in finding resources, please reach out to a librarian at the UH West Oʻahu Library – you can do this by stopping by the Reference Desk, using the chat feature on our website, or emailing us directly at uhwolib@hawaii.edu.

Interested in learning more about aloha ʻāina? Look out for the Kūkahi workshop series by Kahiau Hawaiian Club and Nālimakui Native Hawaiian Council happening throughout the Fall semester!


[About the header image: “Mauna Kea 2013” by lvtorov was retrieved via Wikimedia Commons and has a CC BY-SA 3.0 license.]

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