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Upcoming Exhibit: Hawaiʻi Nikkei Legacy

August 15, 2018 Carina Chernisky
Image of plantation workers

Check it out the first two weeks of the Fall semester!

Mon, 8/20 – Fri, 8/31
2nd fl. Exhibition Space


The exhibit covers the initial immigration of Issei (first generation immigrants) from Japan in the late 1800s to modern day Hawaiʻi, showing how the Nikkei (overseas Japanese) in Hawaiʻi have merged their Japanese cultural values with the blend of cultures in Hawaiʻi. Prominent Japanese Americans from Hawaiʻi are displayed along with the prefectures in Japan that their ancestors emigrated from.

The intent of the exhibit is to share the story of Hawaiʻi’s Nikkei and to promote goodwill between Japan and the United States through a  deeper understanding of the cross-cultural values and customs between Japan and Hawaiʻi.

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