Welcome to a series that highlights the services the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu offers to help our students succeed. Student Support Spotlight will profile the wide-ranging services that are important for our students and campus.
Check out featured profiles on Advising, Admissions, the Behavior Intervention Team, the Bookstore, Campus Security, Career Services, Mental Health Services, Disability Services, Distance Learning, Financial Aid, the IT Help Desk, the James & Abigail Campbell Library, Nāulu Center, Noʻeau Center, Registrar, Student Life, and V.E.T.S. Lab and Lounge.
Name of service: Student Engagement and Compliance
Where we are: virtual office via Zoom at bit.ly/noeaucenter
Who we are: Frankie Pasion, Student Engagement and Compliance Officer
What services we provide: I help students find answers to their questions and I can refer them to the appropriate person/unit to find answers or resolutions to a complaint. Areas of complaints include: academic grievance, conduct, disability/ADA 504, discrimination, financial obligation, Title IX (sex discrimination and gender-based violence), and the working conditions (such as breaks, scheduling, work hours) of student assistants employed by UH West Oʻahu.
My goal is to set students on the correct path to receive the support they need by getting them connected to the appropriate person/unit to help them with their concern or complaint, and I follow up to ensure that their issue is being addressed.
What we’re excited about: This is a new position to UH West Oʻahu, and we are excited to be involved in developing a beloved community. I am currently engaged in assisting with developing policies and procedures to help our students understand the responsibility each has in creating such a community at UH West Oʻahu and beyond.
What’s special about us: Our goal is to help students recognize their own agency to persist and thrive in higher education. We work to provide a safe environment for full wrap-around support services available to all of our students, enabling them to pursue a successful academic journey.
What’s special about our students: What’s special about our students is that they have diverse backgrounds and ages, they have unique personalities and stories, yet all are united in one common goal: to succeed in their academic journey at UH West Oʻahu and beyond.
Contact: 689-2937, uwhoqs@hawaii.edu, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday