UHWO will begin the University Strings ensemble in addition to its other offerings, including chorus, Hoʻokani Kulani events, and University Band.
Auditions for UH West Oʻahu’s new University Strings ensemble are underway, with students, faculty, staff and the community invited to try out.

Jon Magnussen
The auditions run through Sept. 22 for the University Strings (MUS 410H) ensemble. It is beginning its first season and is open to those with experience in string (violin, viola, cello or double bass) performance. High school students who are participating in the Early Admission program and Hawaiʻi Department of Education teachers taking MUS 410H for teacher reclassification credit are welcome to audition in addition to UH West Oʻahu students, faculty, staff and community members.
The University Strings ensemble will perform under the direction of Dr. Jon Magnussen, a recipient of the Board of Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching for 2018. For more information on auditioning, contact Magnussen at jonmagnu@Hawaii.edu.
UH West Oahuʻs Music program has been expanding, with a new Music Certificate being offered for the first time during the 2018 Fall Semester. The program recently debuted the UH West Oʻahu Music webpage detailing the programʻs various offerings and classes. Other auditions will be held for:
Bobby Moderow Jr.
Nā Hōkū Hanohano award winner Bobby Moderow Jr. will begin teaching at UH West Oʻahu during the 2018 Fall Semester. Moderow will direct the campus’ Hawaiian Ensemble (MUS 311 or MUS 211) which is open to students, faculty, staff and community members who are experienced in singing or playing an instrument. The Hawaiian Ensemble is scheduled to with the University Band during the annual Winter Concert, and during Hoʻokani Kulani events throughout the year. For more information, contact Dr. Jon Magnussen at jonmagnu@Hawaii.edu.
- The University Band (MUS 419), under the co-direction of Chadwick Kamei and Michael Nakasone, is open to all UH West Oʻahu students, faculty, staff, and community members with band experience. Also welcome are O‘ahu high school band junior or senior students participating in the Early Admission program that offers college credit only, and Hawai‘i Department of Education teachers taking MUS 419 for teacher reclassification credit. Highlights of the University Band year include the annual Winter Concert, Community Concerts at area shopping malls, and UH West Oʻahu commencement ceremonies. All interested participants should contact Mr. Chadwick Kamei at ckamei@hawaii.edu to schedule an audition.
- The University Chorus (MUS 114), under the direction of Justin Kaʻupu, is open to UH West Oʻahu students, faculty, staff, and community musicians including Early College high school students. The University Chorus begins its rehearsals on Thursday Aug. 23 with weekly rehearsals on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m in C225. Highlights of the University Chorus year include the annual Winter Concert with the University Band and Hawaiian Ensemble, Fall and Spring Commencement ceremonies, the all-collegiate “E Hīmeni Kākou” spring choral festival, when more than 300 singers from campuses all over the island unite to sing for and with each other, and the annual Kapolei Choral Festival of Hawaiian choral music in April. Students, faculty and staff are invited to register for the 2-credit course. More information: contact Dr. Jon Magnussen at jonmagnu@Hawaii.edu.

Erik Haines
In addition to Bobby Moderow Jr., a member of the group Maunalua and known for his mastery of slack-key guitar and falsetto singing, Erik Haines, director of education for the Hawaiʻi Opera Theatre, will also join UH West Oʻahu to teach Beginning Voice (MUS 121B), Haines, who also serves as voice instructor for the Hawaiʻi Youth Opera Chorus, has taught at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Windward Community College, Chaminade University and Punahou School.